{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"Everyday Photography, Every Day","home_page_url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/json","description":"Everyday Photography (Every Day)\" is a weekly podcast where you get to listen in on a chat between a photographer (Rubin) and a regular human (Suzanne Fritz-Hanson) with an eye on making your pictures amazing and helping you enjoy your photography more. No technical stuff. No talk of gear or software. Just photography for the fun of it. \r\n\r\n* Rubin brings a unique perspective to consumer media: a student of Jerry Uelsmann; an amateur photographer for 40 years; formerly of Lucasfilm, Netflix and Adobe; director of The Rubin Collection of Photography; and founder of Neomodern, he's long been passionate about advancing the language of photography. \r\n\r\n** Enjoy show notes at www.neomodern.com/podcast\r\n","_fireside":{"subtitle":"A conversation that will change the way you think about your pictures.","pubdate":"2025-03-31T00:00:00.000-06:00","explicit":false,"copyright":"2025 by Neomodern, Inc.","owner":"M.H. Rubin and Suzanne Fritz-Hanson","image":"https://media24.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images-2024/podcasts/images/7/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/cover.jpg?v=2"},"items":[{"id":"106b66d4-2710-4a1e-847b-4c01860c9250","title":"143: Jake and the Bridge","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/143","content_text":"Jake Ricker has been shooting the Golden Gate Bridge everyday, all day, for the past 6 years: an interior view of something we usually only experience in exterior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJake Ricker has been shooting the Golden Gate Bridge everyday, all day, for the past 6 years: an interior view of something we usually only experience in exterior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jake Ricker has been shooting the Golden Gate Bridge everyday, all day, for the past 6 years: an interior view of something we usually only experience in exterior.","date_published":"2025-03-31T00:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/106b66d4-2710-4a1e-847b-4c01860c9250.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":79461211,"duration_in_seconds":3308}]},{"id":"f1358867-e048-4ffb-bba6-7d012c7ca7be","title":"142: Arthur Drooker, Staying Curious","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/142","content_text":"Today we get to know Arthur Drooker, a creative photographer I first discovered with his brilliant \"Conventional Wisdom\" -- peering inside some niche gatherings. But today his book of 37 Views of the Golden Gate has sold out, and we look at his interesting career.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday we get to know Arthur Drooker, a creative photographer I first discovered with his brilliant \u0026quot;Conventional Wisdom\u0026quot; -- peering inside some niche gatherings. But today his book of 37 Views of the Golden Gate has sold out, and we look at his interesting career.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Today we get to know Arthur Drooker, a creative photographer I first discovered with his brilliant \"Conventional Wisdom\" -- peering inside some niche gatherings. But today his book of 37 Views of the Golden Gate has sold out, and we look at his interesting career.","date_published":"2025-03-23T00:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f1358867-e048-4ffb-bba6-7d012c7ca7be.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74680256,"duration_in_seconds":3110}]},{"id":"2954540a-64b1-404c-8c09-de17f8e3111a","title":"141: Wallace Wilson and the Victims of Paradox","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/141","content_text":"I've long been fascinated by the photographs made by Wallace \"Wally\" Wilson in the 1970s-1980s; he was a professor of photography at the University of Florida when I was a kid, alongside other historic faculty like Jerry Uelsmann, Evon Streetman, Doug Prince, and Todd Walker. Wilson was part of an exciting time in the history of photography, as well as being a cool example of what I would describe as \"haiku photography\" -- although he would never have described his work that way.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eI\u0026#39;ve long been fascinated by the photographs made by Wallace \u0026quot;Wally\u0026quot; Wilson in the 1970s-1980s; he was a professor of photography at the University of Florida when I was a kid, alongside other historic faculty like Jerry Uelsmann, Evon Streetman, Doug Prince, and Todd Walker. Wilson was part of an exciting time in the history of photography, as well as being a cool example of what I would describe as \u0026quot;haiku photography\u0026quot; -- although he would never have described his work that way.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Wallace \"Wally\" Wilson in the 1970s-1980s; he was a professor of photography at the University of Florida when I was a kid, alongside other historic faculty like Jerry Uelsmann, Evon Streetman, Doug Prince, and Todd Walker. Wilson was part of an exciting time in the history of photography.","date_published":"2024-09-05T00:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2954540a-64b1-404c-8c09-de17f8e3111a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":79304956,"duration_in_seconds":3304}]},{"id":"f4cd3768-91f5-4bfb-817d-4d30d9980c92","title":"140: Can Composition Be Taught?","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/140","content_text":"Today we're joined by John Lambert and William Loftus, successful tech professionals and excellent amateur photographers, who were recent students in Rubin's experimental \"The Art of Composition -- Reimagined\" workshop. The group discuss the difficult topic and what it means to be a photographer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday we\u0026#39;re joined by John Lambert and William Loftus, successful tech professionals and excellent amateur photographers, who were recent students in Rubin\u0026#39;s experimental \u0026quot;The Art of Composition -- Reimagined\u0026quot; workshop. The group discuss the difficult topic and what it means to be a photographer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Today we're joined by John Lambert and William Loftus, successful professionals and excellent photographers who were recent students in Rubin's experimental \"The Art of Composition -- Reimagined\" workshop. The group discuss the difficult topic and what it means to be a photographer.","date_published":"2024-04-22T00:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f4cd3768-91f5-4bfb-817d-4d30d9980c92.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":86566788,"duration_in_seconds":3606}]},{"id":"83db34ee-67fb-493d-8940-18617b86245f","title":"139: Elliott Erwitt, with Rick Smolan","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/139","content_text":"The great photographer Elliott Erwitt passed away last November, but we sat down with his son-in-law, the Internationally acclaimed photographer Rick Smolan, to discuss Erwitt's life and work. Few have had such a close vantage on this inspiration to so many photographers today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe great photographer Elliott Erwitt passed away last November, but we sat down with his son-in-law, the Internationally acclaimed photographer Rick Smolan, to discuss Erwitt\u0026#39;s life and work. Few have had such a close vantage on this inspiration to so many photographers today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The great photographer Elliott Erwitt passed away last November, but we sat down with his son-in-law, the Internationally acclaimed photographer Rick Smolan, to discuss Erwitt's life and work.","date_published":"2024-02-01T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/83db34ee-67fb-493d-8940-18617b86245f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":86769916,"duration_in_seconds":3615}]},{"id":"9af6ad1b-bfc0-45a8-a5bd-419da4a64c6f","title":"138: \"Pure Seeing\" and the New Years Episode","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/138","content_text":"Where we catch up and review some travel photography, the definition of photography, the passing of the great Elliott Erwitt, the nature of composition and other various rants.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere we catch up and review some travel photography, the definition of photography, the passing of the great Elliott Erwitt, the nature of composition and other various rants.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Where we catch up and review some travel photography, the definition of photography, the passing of the great Elliott Erwitt, the nature of composition and other various rants.","date_published":"2024-01-03T14:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9af6ad1b-bfc0-45a8-a5bd-419da4a64c6f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":63567539,"duration_in_seconds":2648}]},{"id":"6ea143a3-5695-4153-a815-895340d70cbd","title":"137: The Great Debate: Pictorialism, Modernism and Generative AI","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/137","content_text":"We're joined by professor and photographic artist Ed Bateman, from the University of Utah, to discuss Rubin's issues with \"pure seeing\" and the 100-years debate about how much modification can you do to a photo before you change it fundamentally. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re joined by professor and photographic artist Ed Bateman, from the University of Utah, to discuss Rubin\u0026#39;s issues with \u0026quot;pure seeing\u0026quot; and the 100-years debate about how much modification can you do to a photo before you change it fundamentally. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're joined by professor Ed Bateman to discuss Rubin's issues with \"pure seeing\" and the 100-years debate about how much modification can you do to a photo before you change it fundamentally. ","date_published":"2023-09-30T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/6ea143a3-5695-4153-a815-895340d70cbd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":80718076,"duration_in_seconds":3363}]},{"id":"2af5556e-d2c9-4161-912b-24ee82e4f2e3","title":"136: The Hat","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/136","content_text":"We're back and catching up on workshops, lessons from the summer, Rubin's new camera and, of course, Suzanne's hat.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re back and catching up on workshops, lessons from the summer, Rubin\u0026#39;s new camera and, of course, Suzanne\u0026#39;s hat.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're back and catching up on workshops, lessons from the summer, Rubin's new camera and, of course, Suzanne's hat.","date_published":"2023-08-11T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2af5556e-d2c9-4161-912b-24ee82e4f2e3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":61212757,"duration_in_seconds":2550}]},{"id":"29934894-a68a-4c5e-9953-b9d01da65642","title":"135: The Very Personal Landscapes from Jason Pettit","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/135","content_text":"Even after only a few years shooting photos, and inspired by the work of Minor White, Guy Tal and Eliot Porter (among others), Jason Pettit produces beautiful and sensitive landscapes. His personal process is inspiring and instructive.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEven after only a few years shooting photos, and inspired by the work of Minor White, Guy Tal and Eliot Porter (among others), Jason Pettit produces beautiful and sensitive landscapes. His personal process is inspiring and instructive.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Even after only a few years shooting photos, and inspired by the work of Minor White, Guy Tal and Eliot Porter (among others), Jason Pettit produces beautiful and sensitive landscapes. His personal process is inspiring and instructive.","date_published":"2023-03-04T13:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/29934894-a68a-4c5e-9953-b9d01da65642.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74955255,"duration_in_seconds":3122}]},{"id":"93a563c9-e812-4dfc-b3fa-3cc9a436ba58","title":"134: Ambiguity in Paris—More Fun with Nina Welch-Kling","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/134","content_text":"Nina and Rubin meet in Paris and go shooting. Rubin's haiku book is finished and Nina's Duologues book is ready for pre-orders! It's a fun catch up with Welch-Kling!\nNina and Rubin discuss their approaches to photography and techniques they use to create meaningful images.\nThey discuss pairing or juxtaposing images to create a story or narrative;\nThey discuss the importance of a shift in scale and the role of adding \"magic\" or a personal touch to their images.\nThe conversation touches on the theme of transforming everyday life and ordinary objects into something special through the photographer's interpretation and vision.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNina and Rubin meet in Paris and go shooting. Rubin\u0026#39;s haiku book is finished and Nina\u0026#39;s Duologues book is ready for pre-orders! It\u0026#39;s a fun catch up with Welch-Kling!\u003cbr\u003e\nNina and Rubin discuss their approaches to photography and techniques they use to create meaningful images.\u003cbr\u003e\nThey discuss pairing or juxtaposing images to create a story or narrative;\u003cbr\u003e\nThey discuss the importance of a shift in scale and the role of adding \u0026quot;magic\u0026quot; or a personal touch to their images.\u003cbr\u003e\nThe conversation touches on the theme of transforming everyday life and ordinary objects into something special through the photographer\u0026#39;s interpretation and vision.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Nina and Rubin meet in Paris and go shooting. Paris Photo! The Stettner family and a discussion of Nina's new project.","date_published":"2022-12-08T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/93a563c9-e812-4dfc-b3fa-3cc9a436ba58.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":65985642,"duration_in_seconds":2749}]},{"id":"0100df1b-fbc5-4995-ace5-0a3af5cca3ca","title":"133: Dall-E and You, with Dr. Aaron Hertzmann","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/133","content_text":"The hottest topic in AI is the new \"art\" creation tool called Dall-E, and after a few weeks of falling down the rabbit hole playing in this new world, and considering the implications on photography (as well as illustration) our hosts invite domain expert Dr. Aaron Hertmann--from Adobe's research team--to explore Dall-E and other aspects of computational photography.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe hottest topic in AI is the new \u0026quot;art\u0026quot; creation tool called Dall-E, and after a few weeks of falling down the rabbit hole playing in this new world, and considering the implications on photography (as well as illustration) our hosts invite domain expert Dr. Aaron Hertmann--from Adobe\u0026#39;s research team--to explore Dall-E and other aspects of computational photography.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The hottest topic in AI is the new \"art\" creation tool called Dall-E, and after a few weeks of falling down the rabbit hole playing in this new world, and considering the implications on photography (as well as illustration) our hosts invite domain expert Dr. Aaron Hertmann--from Adobe's research team--to explore Dall-E and other aspects of computational photography.","date_published":"2022-08-20T19:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/0100df1b-fbc5-4995-ace5-0a3af5cca3ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":73923940,"duration_in_seconds":3079}]},{"id":"08ea3911-9467-40ca-a4a6-15e700aa5d80","title":"132: Inside Photo Independent with Chris Davies","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/132","content_text":"As Rubin explores the world of photo fairs, industry leader Chris Davies takes us into Photo Independent, Paris Photo and NFTs. A must-listen episode for photographers starting to sell their work.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Rubin explores the world of photo fairs, industry leader Chris Davies takes us into Photo Independent, Paris Photo and NFTs. A must-listen episode for photographers starting to sell their work.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Rubin explores the world of photo fairs, industry leader Chris Davies takes us into Photo Independent, Paris Photo and NFTs. A must-listen episode for photographers starting to sell their work.","date_published":"2022-07-24T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/08ea3911-9467-40ca-a4a6-15e700aa5d80.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":80524352,"duration_in_seconds":3355}]},{"id":"b78e1fd3-4069-4f00-b9a2-d55525e58a64","title":"131: The Emotional Architecture of Elizabeth Daniels","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/131","content_text":"On this Memorial Day Weekend show, Suzanne and Rubin get familiar with the twisting photographic journey of LA architectural photographer Elizabeth Daniels. From her unusual college application (which resonates for Rubin) involving Annie Liebowitz, to her friendships and mentorship from many of the great, this is a fun episode! ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn this Memorial Day Weekend show, Suzanne and Rubin get familiar with the twisting photographic journey of LA architectural photographer Elizabeth Daniels. From her unusual college application (which resonates for Rubin) involving Annie Liebowitz, to her friendships and mentorship from many of the great, this is a fun episode! \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Suzanne and Rubin get familiar with the twisting photographic journey of LA architectural photographer Elizabeth Daniels. From her unusual college application (which resonates for Rubin) to her friendships and mentorship from many of the great, this is a fun episode!","date_published":"2022-05-29T05:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b78e1fd3-4069-4f00-b9a2-d55525e58a64.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":66308515,"duration_in_seconds":2762}]},{"id":"9a8fd035-b9ca-43ef-b3c4-79d2192374a9","title":"130: Cartier-Bresson and the Real \"Decisive Moment\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/130","content_text":"Suzanne and Rubin dig into the meaning of \"the decisive moment\" and how important the concept is for amateur photographers. And then they talk about sculpture.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSuzanne and Rubin dig into the meaning of \u0026quot;the decisive moment\u0026quot; and how important the concept is for amateur photographers. And then they talk about sculpture.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Suzanne and Rubin dig into the meaning of \"the decisive moment\" and how important the concept is for amateur photographers. And then they talk about sculpture.","date_published":"2022-05-07T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9a8fd035-b9ca-43ef-b3c4-79d2192374a9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49519094,"duration_in_seconds":2063}]},{"id":"7b74d8e8-d41e-4754-8b6e-a08498519085","title":"129: Impossible... with Edward Bateman ","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/129","content_text":"A spontaneous gathering with Anne Kelly (of PhotoEye) and photographer and professor Bateman. Ed Bateman teaches at the University of Utah and has been a long-time explorer of time, creativity, photographs and history.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA spontaneous gathering with Anne Kelly (of PhotoEye) and photographer and professor Bateman. Ed Bateman teaches at the University of Utah and has been a long-time explorer of time, creativity, photographs and history.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A spontaneous gathering with Anne Kelly (of PhotoEye) and photographer and professor Bateman. Ed Bateman teaches at the University of Utah and has been a long-time explorer of time, creativity, photographs and history.","date_published":"2022-04-26T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/7b74d8e8-d41e-4754-8b6e-a08498519085.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":68443242,"duration_in_seconds":2851}]},{"id":"d8703953-bf70-4599-9cf2-07401bd4a315","title":"128: Our New Years Show on Photographic Purism","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/128","content_text":"Our hosts catch up after a Covid holiday and dig into Rubin's struggles with \"pure seeing\" photography, as different from inorganic, studio, photographic creations.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur hosts catch up after a Covid holiday and dig into Rubin\u0026#39;s struggles with \u0026quot;pure seeing\u0026quot; photography, as different from inorganic, studio, photographic creations.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our hosts catch up after a Covid holiday and dig into Rubin's struggles with \"pure seeing\" photography, as different from inorganic, studio, photographic creations.","date_published":"2022-01-06T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d8703953-bf70-4599-9cf2-07401bd4a315.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37663055,"duration_in_seconds":1569}]},{"id":"43afc17e-b52a-46e1-a49a-28b0eed23591","title":"127: Discovering Light with Janet Sternburg","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/127","content_text":"Sternburg's book of Los Angeles during the lockdown, \"I've Been Walking,\" was just released in the US, so we sat down to hear about the moments that have lead here and her work.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSternburg\u0026#39;s book of Los Angeles during the lockdown, \u0026quot;I\u0026#39;ve Been Walking,\u0026quot; was just released in the US, so we sat down to hear about the moments that have lead here and her work.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sternburg's book of Los Angeles during the lockdown, \"I've Been Walking,\" was just released in the US, so we sat down to hear about the moments that have lead here and her work.","date_published":"2021-10-30T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/43afc17e-b52a-46e1-a49a-28b0eed23591.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":67556750,"duration_in_seconds":2814}]},{"id":"54be38c1-8338-4bd1-90fd-57e5d3ec204a","title":"126: Santa Fe Live","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/126","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Suzanne visits New Mexico, as we ramp up the season and catch up on photographic events.","date_published":"2021-10-19T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/54be38c1-8338-4bd1-90fd-57e5d3ec204a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36953987,"duration_in_seconds":1539}]},{"id":"27dc3969-dfe6-4e61-be79-142668ec0604","title":"125: \"Photographic Haiku\" and Zen Arts for Creative Photographers","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/125","content_text":"Rubin and Suzanne go over the application of Zen Arts to learning photography, particularly for beginners, and how his workshop has become one of the more popular online courses at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. There's an intersection of haiku and photography, that once understood, will completely shift the way you take and look at pictures.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRubin and Suzanne go over the application of Zen Arts to learning photography, particularly for beginners, and how his workshop has become one of the more popular online courses at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. There\u0026#39;s an intersection of haiku and photography, that once understood, will completely shift the way you take and look at pictures.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"After 3 years of developing the vision here on this podcast, Rubin outlines the intersection of haiku and photography.","date_published":"2021-07-11T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/27dc3969-dfe6-4e61-be79-142668ec0604.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48292175,"duration_in_seconds":2012}]},{"id":"a2e5c55b-5e06-4e2d-9b7f-41859dbe3a88","title":"124: Leaning into Unpredictability: The Dreams of Susan Burnstine","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/124","content_text":"She builds her cameras. She closes her eyes when she shoots. Susan Burnstine is processing her dreams into haunting and beautiful images--a fascinating photographer. Meet her.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eShe builds her cameras. She closes her eyes when she shoots. Susan Burnstine is processing her dreams into haunting and beautiful images--a fascinating photographer. Meet her.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"She builds her cameras. She closes her eyes when she shoots. Susan Burnstine is processing her dreams into haunting and beautiful images--a fascinating photographer. Meet her.","date_published":"2021-07-03T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/a2e5c55b-5e06-4e2d-9b7f-41859dbe3a88.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":63268489,"duration_in_seconds":2636}]},{"id":"18c2f527-70b7-40f7-84a8-a5bf1f34afe0","title":"123: Inside Photo-Eye, with Anne Kelly","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/123","content_text":"For over 40 years Photo-Eye has been an institution of the photographic arts. Their bookstore and gallery is the stuff of legend. We sat down with Anne Kelly to get the scoop on their history, finding new talent, NFTs (!) and the changing nature of photography.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor over 40 years Photo-Eye has been an institution of the photographic arts. Their bookstore and gallery is the stuff of legend. We sat down with Anne Kelly to get the scoop on their history, finding new talent, NFTs (!) and the changing nature of photography.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"For over 40 years Photo-Eye has been an institution of photographic arts. Their bookstore and gallery is legendary. We sat down with Anne Kelly to get the scoop on their history, finding new talent, NFTs (!) and the changing nature of photography.","date_published":"2021-06-25T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/18c2f527-70b7-40f7-84a8-a5bf1f34afe0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76498151,"duration_in_seconds":3187}]},{"id":"30a6f6d3-037e-4c38-b90f-7dc02f1462cf","title":"122: From Ski Bum to Celebrity Photographer: Hang with Jeff Lipsky","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/122","content_text":"His roster of portraits is amazing--but his career path is inspiring. Meet Jeff Lipsky, who went from Telluride ski bum to Hollywood photographer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHis roster of portraits is amazing--but his career path is inspiring. Meet Jeff Lipsky, who went from Telluride ski bum to Hollywood photographer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"His roster of portraits is amazing--but his career path is inspiring. Meet Jeff Lipsky, who went from Telluride ski bum to Hollywood photographer.","date_published":"2021-04-28T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/30a6f6d3-037e-4c38-b90f-7dc02f1462cf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":72828678,"duration_in_seconds":3034}]},{"id":"a3605865-c757-48c0-a28c-aa7fd11d1c6d","title":"121: Patiently Shooting Celebs (like Prince!) with Deborah Feingold","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/121","content_text":"Her classic portraits of stars like Madonna and Prince have been popular from The Village Voice, Rolling Stone, People to book covers and movie posters--spend some time meeting the delightful Deborah Feingold.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHer classic portraits of stars like Madonna and Prince have been popular from The Village Voice, Rolling Stone, People to book covers and movie posters--spend some time meeting the delightful Deborah Feingold.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Her classic portraits of stars like Madonna and Prince have been popular from The Village Voice, Rolling Stone, People to book covers and movie posters--spend some time meeting the delightful Deborah Feingold.","date_published":"2021-04-20T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/a3605865-c757-48c0-a28c-aa7fd11d1c6d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":95811000,"duration_in_seconds":3991}]},{"id":"1a7edaec-9484-410f-a374-bc8062604969","title":"120: Reid Callanan and the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/120","content_text":"Our first guest of the season is Reid Callanan, the founder and director of the distinguished Santa Fe Photo and Writing Workshops. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur first guest of the season is Reid Callanan, the founder and director of the distinguished Santa Fe Photo and Writing Workshops. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our first guest of the season is Reid Callanan, the founder and director of the distinguished Santa Fe Photo and Writing Workshops. ","date_published":"2021-04-07T01:15:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/1a7edaec-9484-410f-a374-bc8062604969.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":67472740,"duration_in_seconds":2811}]},{"id":"b1234141-44ae-4102-9795-42b78c3ecd7c","title":"119: Season Four Opener","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/119","content_text":"Where Susan and Rubin catch up briefly on photography and geography, and Rubin debriefs on his first Zen Arts Workshops.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere Susan and Rubin catch up briefly on photography and geography, and Rubin debriefs on his first Zen Arts Workshops.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Where Susan and Rubin catch up briefly on photography and geography, and Rubin debriefs on his first Zen Arts Workshops.","date_published":"2021-04-02T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b1234141-44ae-4102-9795-42b78c3ecd7c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23156946,"duration_in_seconds":964}]},{"id":"21fb96df-e417-45e4-a850-4c4f739c5110","title":"118: The Tenacity of Chris Burkard, Wilderness Photographer","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/118","content_text":"A self-described \"blue collar\" photographer, Burkard's photos are some of the most beautiful and amazing wilderness images we've ever seen. His work ethic is legend, as his dedication to the environment. His photos, films, books and course are all part of his mission to educate as many people as he can about the wonders he sees on Earth. Meet Chris and be inspired.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA self-described \u0026quot;blue collar\u0026quot; photographer, Burkard\u0026#39;s photos are some of the most beautiful and amazing wilderness images we\u0026#39;ve ever seen. His work ethic is legend, as his dedication to the environment. His photos, films, books and course are all part of his mission to educate as many people as he can about the wonders he sees on Earth. Meet Chris and be inspired.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A self-described \"blue collar\" photographer, Burkard's photos are some of the most beautiful and amazing wilderness images we've ever seen. His work ethic is legend, as his dedication to the environment. His photos, films, books and course are all part of his mission to educate as many people as he can about the wonders he sees on Earth. Meet Chris and be inspired.","date_published":"2020-10-22T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/21fb96df-e417-45e4-a850-4c4f739c5110.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":65908528,"duration_in_seconds":2746}]},{"id":"71dc106a-27f6-4949-bdec-6dc58fef388a","title":"117: Discovering Authenticity: Collecting with Michael Shapiro","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/117","content_text":"For more than 40 years, Shapiro has been the dealer's dealer -- an expert on midcentury modernism (and partner to the Rubin family in developing our historic collection), we spend some time this episode discussing Robert Frank, Man Ray, Kertesz, Cartier-Bresson and the importance of prints.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor more than 40 years, Shapiro has been the dealer\u0026#39;s dealer -- an expert on midcentury modernism (and partner to the Rubin family in developing our historic collection), we spend some time this episode discussing Robert Frank, Man Ray, Kertesz, Cartier-Bresson and the importance of prints.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"For more than 40 years, Shapiro has been the dealer's dealer -- an expert on midcentury modernism (and partner to the Rubin family in developing an historic collection), we spend some time discussing Man Ray, Kertesz, Cartier-Bresson and the importance of prints.","date_published":"2020-10-16T13:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/71dc106a-27f6-4949-bdec-6dc58fef388a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74402295,"duration_in_seconds":3099}]},{"id":"cf24305e-70d4-4a20-8305-8590d4e6445d","title":"116: The Hopeful Photography of Norma I. Quintana","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/116","content_text":"Norma is a fine art photographer whose home—including her art collection, her own analog work, and her camera collection—burned in the Napa fires of 2017. In this episode we discuss the fire and her intimate work.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNorma is a fine art photographer whose home—including her art collection, her own analog work, and her camera collection—burned in the Napa fires of 2017. In this episode we discuss the fire and her intimate work.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Norma is a fine art photographer whose home—including her art collection, her own analog work, and her camera collection—burned in the Napa fires of 2017. In this episode we discuss the fire and her intimate work.","date_published":"2020-10-07T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/cf24305e-70d4-4a20-8305-8590d4e6445d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":79930641,"duration_in_seconds":3330}]},{"id":"bf19ce57-090a-45e8-97f1-22c2788c18e1","title":"115: After the Fires","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/115","content_text":"It's the start of Season 3 and we're warming up, catching up, talking about new projects and my Santa Fe Workshop class with Jason Langer. But yeah, also the fires around Santa Cruz and the real challenges of taking photos of this.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s the start of Season 3 and we\u0026#39;re warming up, catching up, talking about new projects and my Santa Fe Workshop class with Jason Langer. But yeah, also the fires around Santa Cruz and the real challenges of taking photos of this.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's the start of Season 3 and we're warming up, catching up, talking about new projects and my Santa Fe Workshop class with Jason Langer. But yeah, also the fires.","date_published":"2020-09-23T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/bf19ce57-090a-45e8-97f1-22c2788c18e1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":62190781,"duration_in_seconds":2591}]},{"id":"2304aa97-e4c9-450a-b908-31c7da5e53f2","title":"114: The Quirky World of Maggie Taylor","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/114","content_text":"Maggie Taylor is a fine art photographer who transitioned from creating real-world still-life collages into being a master of Photoshop photo montages. Her whimsical creations have been called surreal, but her humor makes them more \"quirky\". ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMaggie Taylor is a fine art photographer who transitioned from creating real-world still-life collages into being a master of Photoshop photo montages. Her whimsical creations have been called surreal, but her humor makes them more \u0026quot;quirky\u0026quot;. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Maggie Taylor is a fine art photographer who transitioned from creating real-world still-life collages into being a master of Adobe Photoshop creating photo montages. Her whimsical creations have been called surreal, but they're perhaps better described as \"quirky\". ","date_published":"2020-06-14T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2304aa97-e4c9-450a-b908-31c7da5e53f2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":81071043,"duration_in_seconds":3377}]},{"id":"49d69b11-d587-41e5-bd66-4a28231f9089","title":"113: Catching Up: Kertesz, Home Projects","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/113","content_text":"In which Suzanne and Rubin review their thoughts on Kertesz and her home project and generally catch up.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn which Suzanne and Rubin review their thoughts on Kertesz and her home project and generally catch up.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In which Suzanne and Rubin review their thoughts on Kertesz and her home project and generally catch up.","date_published":"2020-06-07T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/49d69b11-d587-41e5-bd66-4a28231f9089.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29406898,"duration_in_seconds":1225}]},{"id":"93f657a9-fa8b-45ae-8be0-545eee6e1b45","title":"112: Inside Kertesz, with Curator Robert Gurbo","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/112","content_text":"Andre Kertesz had a long and multi-faceted career producing some of the most iconic, modern, and often enigmatic photos in history. His influence is profound, and it was a pleasure to sit down today with Robert Gurbo, curator of the Kertesz estate and domain expert on this fascinating photographer. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAndre Kertesz had a long and multi-faceted career producing some of the most iconic, modern, and often enigmatic photos in history. His influence is profound, and it was a pleasure to sit down today with Robert Gurbo, curator of the Kertesz estate and domain expert on this fascinating photographer. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Andre Kertesz had a long and multi-faceted career throughout the 20th century, producing some of the most iconic, modern, and often enigmatic photos in history. His influence is profound, and it was a pleasure to sit down today with Robert Gurbo, curator of the Kertesz estate and domain expert on this fascinating photographer. ","date_published":"2020-05-29T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/93f657a9-fa8b-45ae-8be0-545eee6e1b45.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":86630736,"duration_in_seconds":3609}]},{"id":"ecc37175-595d-46ac-91a7-5c1d890e68f6","title":"111: The Power of Photography, with Gallerist Peter Fetterman","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/111","content_text":"Peter Fetterman offers rich insights into photography collecting and being collected, and the sheer magic in great photographs. As one of the pre-eminent gallerists of photography for decades, his delightful personal tales about the artists is a joy. \n\n“What is a photo? I see an image… and i am changed by it; I’m incredibly moved by it. I’m haunted by it. I have to possess it. I learn something from it. I breathe it. I want it to be inside me. That’s a photo to me.” -- Peter Fetterman","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePeter Fetterman offers rich insights into photography collecting and being collected, and the sheer magic in great photographs. As one of the pre-eminent gallerists of photography for decades, his delightful personal tales about the artists is a joy. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e“What is a photo? I see an image… and i am changed by it; I’m incredibly moved by it. I’m haunted by it. I have to possess it. I learn something from it. I breathe it. I want it to be inside me. That’s a photo to me.” -- Peter Fetterman\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Peter Fetterman offers rich insights into photography collecting and being collected, and the sheer magic in great photographs. As one of the pre-eminent gallerists of photography for decades, his delightful personal tales about the artists is a joy. Listen in!","date_published":"2020-05-21T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ecc37175-595d-46ac-91a7-5c1d890e68f6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":70586745,"duration_in_seconds":2940}]},{"id":"b2e9a435-345b-4d63-856e-02b9bd919768","title":"110: Projects in Quarantine","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/110","content_text":"Here's a short episode where we go over a few projects you can do at home, with no supplies but a phone, and practice key skills that will make your pictures better.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHere\u0026#39;s a short episode where we go over a few projects you can do at home, with no supplies but a phone, and practice key skills that will make your pictures better.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Here's a short episode where we go over a few projects you can do at home, with no supplies but a phone, and practice key skills that will make your pictures better.","date_published":"2020-05-14T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b2e9a435-345b-4d63-856e-02b9bd919768.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33149723,"duration_in_seconds":1381}]},{"id":"56997d46-bdf3-466c-b22f-c1845e973412","title":"109: The Photographer of Santa Cruz, Shmuel Thaler","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/109","content_text":"It's hard to think about photography in Santa Cruz without discovering Shmuel Thaler, the leading photojournalist at the Santa Cruz Sentinel. He's been documenting the community since the late 1980s: from earthquakes and fires, to surfers and dancers—the fabric and heart of the town.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s hard to think about photography in Santa Cruz without discovering Shmuel Thaler, the leading photojournalist at the Santa Cruz Sentinel. He\u0026#39;s been documenting the community since the late 1980s: from earthquakes and fires, to surfers and dancers—the fabric and heart of the town.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's hard to think about photography in Santa Cruz without discovering Shmuel Thaler, the leading photojournalist at the Santa Cruz Sentinel. He's been documenting the community since the late 1980s: from earthquakes and fires, to surfers and dancers--the fabric and heart of the town.","date_published":"2020-05-07T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/56997d46-bdf3-466c-b22f-c1845e973412.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":70911500,"duration_in_seconds":2954}]},{"id":"b0ac4ad6-e5ac-4fc4-bbca-abd786d43a9e","title":"108: Masterskills from Jeff Carlson","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/108","content_text":"Jeff Carlson has written an astonishing array of books over his career, explaining a range of creative and technical topics—perhaps 20 of them related to photography. His newest book on Luminar4 is out this week, so it seemed a great time to say hi and hear what driving him!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJeff Carlson has written an astonishing array of books over his career, explaining a range of creative and technical topics—perhaps 20 of them related to photography. His newest book on Luminar4 is out this week, so it seemed a great time to say hi and hear what driving him!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Carlson has written an astonishing array of books over his career, explaining a range of creative and technical topics--perhaps 20 of them related to photography. His newest book on Luminar is out this week, so it seemed a great time to say hi and hear what driving him!","date_published":"2020-04-25T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b0ac4ad6-e5ac-4fc4-bbca-abd786d43a9e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":72152211,"duration_in_seconds":3006}]},{"id":"4632c63b-2e94-4370-aa5c-989065e36085","title":"107: The Duologues of Nina Kling","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/107","content_text":"I'd never heard the term \"rhyme\" used so perfectly to describe a visual experience before... but the wonderful pairings NYC photographer Nina Kling are delightful, mysterious, and enormously satisfying. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eI\u0026#39;d never heard the term \u0026quot;rhyme\u0026quot; used so perfectly to describe a visual experience before... but the wonderful pairings NYC photographer Nina Kling are delightful, mysterious, and enormously satisfying. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"I'd never heard the term \"rhyme\" used so perfectly to describe a visual experience before... but the wonderful pairings NYC photographer Nina Kling are delightful, mysterious, and enormously satisfying. ","date_published":"2020-04-17T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/4632c63b-2e94-4370-aa5c-989065e36085.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":62441557,"duration_in_seconds":2601}]},{"id":"d8591790-c258-4bdc-a4b5-a3b8fb7bd5b2","title":"106: A Walk Down Memory Lane with Angelica Glass","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/106","content_text":"Angelica Glass decided on a whim to walk the length of every street in the county of Santa Cruz. Over the course of five and a half years, she walked all of the 4,121 streets in the county. After that, she continued the project in the form of walking every trail in the county. She took photos on each street and chose one to represent each street/trail and through this project fell in love with photography.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAngelica Glass decided on a whim to walk the length of every street in the county of Santa Cruz. Over the course of five and a half years, she walked all of the 4,121 streets in the county. After that, she continued the project in the form of walking every trail in the county. She took photos on each street and chose one to represent each street/trail and through this project fell in love with photography.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Angelica Glass is an inspiration to passionate amateur photographers. 6 years ago, on a whim, she decided to walk the length of every street and trail in the county of Santa Cruz, taking photos on each, and choosing only one image to represent it. Over the course of five and a half years, she has walked all of the 4,121 streets in the county. ","date_published":"2020-03-29T13:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d8591790-c258-4bdc-a4b5-a3b8fb7bd5b2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":69623140,"duration_in_seconds":2900}]},{"id":"86332ccb-ac18-400f-9495-ff014a5bc3ff","title":"105: Life in Captivity: Free Workshops on Photography","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/105","content_text":"It's a bleak time for many, and insane stress for us all -- but there are a few advantages to being forced to stay in. Rubin has converted Neomodern.com from a retail business to a free program of projects to build people's photographic skills: not tech skills but creative ones. Using the content from his Zen Arts curriculum, he's posting daily projects designed to help folks stuck at home.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s a bleak time for many, and insane stress for us all -- but there are a few advantages to being forced to stay in. Rubin has converted Neomodern.com from a retail business to a free program of projects to build people\u0026#39;s photographic skills: not tech skills but creative ones. Using the content from his Zen Arts curriculum, he\u0026#39;s posting daily projects designed to help folks stuck at home.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's a bleak time for many, and insane stress for us all -- but there are a few advantages to being forced to stay in. Rubin has converted Neomodern from a retail business to a free program of projects to build people's photographic skills: not tech skills but creative ones. Using the content from his Zen Arts curriculum, daily projects designed to help folks stuck at home.","date_published":"2020-03-20T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/86332ccb-ac18-400f-9495-ff014a5bc3ff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":30820645,"duration_in_seconds":1284}]},{"id":"0ec88765-83c6-4d48-8df6-c93e5a58abc5","title":"104: Photography as a Zen Art","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/104","content_text":"Rubin formally declares his upcoming book for beginners and pros -- finding a philosophical foundation for his disparate feelings about creative picture taking: the Zen Arts. There are lessons from haiku, kintsugi, enso, ikebana, bonsai and origami (and the principles of wabi-sabi) if you know how to find them. Not how to use photography to practice zen, but how to use zen arts to get better at photography! His recent Petapixel article on the subject is discussed, as is a pair of workshops in San Francisco in March.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRubin formally declares his upcoming book for beginners and pros -- finding a philosophical foundation for his disparate feelings about creative picture taking: the Zen Arts. There are lessons from haiku, kintsugi, enso, ikebana, bonsai and origami (and the principles of wabi-sabi) if you know how to find them. Not how to use photography to practice zen, but how to use zen arts to get better at photography! His recent Petapixel article on the subject is discussed, as is a pair of workshops in San Francisco in March.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Rubin formally declares his upcoming book for beginners and pros -- finding a philosophical foundation for creative picture taking: the Zen Arts. There are lessons from haiku, kintsugi, enso, ikebana, bonsai and origami (and the principles of wabi-sabi) if you know how to find them. Not how to use photography to practice zen, but how to use zen arts to get better at photography!","date_published":"2020-03-02T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/0ec88765-83c6-4d48-8df6-c93e5a58abc5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46956169,"duration_in_seconds":1956}]},{"id":"dccfd15d-47dc-4c11-9174-9617285ea21b","title":"103: Zero-Prep Shoot, a Valentine's Special","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/103","content_text":"In this episode Suzanne grills Rubin on a recent shoot he did that he described as unusually good--what would make one shoot notably different or better than the hundreds that have gone before? Rubin discusses his improvisational approach and digs into some of the issues of being a hetrosexual man who frequently photographs women.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Suzanne grills Rubin on a recent shoot he did that he described as unusually good--what would make one shoot notably different or better than the hundreds that have gone before? Rubin discusses his improvisational approach and digs into some of the issues of being a hetrosexual man who frequently photographs women.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this episode Suzanne grills Rubin on a recent shoot he did that he described as unusually good--what would make one shoot notably different or better than the hundreds that have gone before? Rubin discusses his improvisational approach and digs into some of the issues of being a hetrosexual man who frequently photographs women.","date_published":"2020-02-14T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/dccfd15d-47dc-4c11-9174-9617285ea21b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54877540,"duration_in_seconds":2286}]},{"id":"8ba59c74-9258-4b19-9e80-aacdd625d4f4","title":"102: The Six Types of Photographers","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/102","content_text":"After Rubin's Petapixel essay went viral a few weeks ago, he's been digging into photographic fundamentals; Suzanne and Rubin dig into the ways we compose and how it interacts with our basic tendencies. The show is practically therapy.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter Rubin\u0026#39;s Petapixel essay went viral a few weeks ago, he\u0026#39;s been digging into photographic fundamentals; Suzanne and Rubin dig into the ways we compose and how it interacts with our basic tendencies. The show is practically therapy.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"After Rubin's Petapixel essay went viral a few weeks ago, he's been digging into photographic fundamentals; Suzanne and Rubin dig into the ways we compose and how it interacts with our basic tendencies. The show is practically therapy.","date_published":"2020-02-09T15:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/8ba59c74-9258-4b19-9e80-aacdd625d4f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54273798,"duration_in_seconds":2261}]},{"id":"fafa200e-7a9f-4cc8-a678-048d1c3717e3","title":"101: Natural Harmony with Foto Kammer","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/101","content_text":"Our first anonymous guest, who has a day job in Silicon Valley, but has an alter ego, Foto-Kammer, who shoots luscious landscapes and nudes, and whose work explores the natural harmony of humans in the landscape.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur first anonymous guest, who has a day job in Silicon Valley, but has an alter ego, Foto-Kammer, who shoots luscious landscapes and nudes, and whose work explores the natural harmony of humans in the landscape.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our first anonymous guest, who has a day job in Silicon Valley, but has an alter ego, Foto-Kammer, who shoots luscious landscapes and lyrically beautiful nudes, and whose work explores the natural harmony of humans in the landscape.","date_published":"2020-02-01T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/fafa200e-7a9f-4cc8-a678-048d1c3717e3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":57641086,"duration_in_seconds":2401}]},{"id":"dea4294a-1766-4f80-8107-d44ebe62ba61","title":"100: Shiva and her Nudes","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/100","content_text":"After a career as a fine art nude model, Shiva Sharifi today photographs nude and boudoir as well as organizes workshops to introduce photographers to this specialty, coordinating models and students in great settings. She has a wealth of experiences on both sides of the camera in this domain.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter a career as a fine art nude model, Shiva Sharifi today photographs nude and boudoir as well as organizes workshops to introduce photographers to this specialty, coordinating models and students in great settings. She has a wealth of experiences on both sides of the camera in this domain.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"After a career as a fine art nude model, Shiva Sharifi today photographs nude and boudoir as well as organizes workshops to introduce photographers to this specialty, coordinating models and students in great settings. She has a wealth of experiences on both sides of the camera in this domain.","date_published":"2020-01-25T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/dea4294a-1766-4f80-8107-d44ebe62ba61.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":70892064,"duration_in_seconds":2953}]},{"id":"19cfa740-979a-4afa-9d04-799e585d0a54","title":"99: Creativity and the Creative Process","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/99","content_text":"It's the 99th episode, and Suzanne and Rubin catch up on holiday events, the state of their photography, and Neomodern's current Kickstarter project for a new kind of photographer's frame.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s the 99th episode, and Suzanne and Rubin catch up on holiday events, the state of their photography, and Neomodern\u0026#39;s current Kickstarter project for a new kind of photographer\u0026#39;s frame.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's the 99th episode, and Suzanne and Rubin catch up on holiday events, the state of their photography, and Neomodern's current Kickstarter project for a new kind of photographer's frame.","date_published":"2020-01-18T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/19cfa740-979a-4afa-9d04-799e585d0a54.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56096309,"duration_in_seconds":2337}]},{"id":"94e82184-dd07-4ac0-90d7-ab14c01f91c6","title":"98: Mysterious Stories of \"Everyman\" Stephan Sheffield","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/98","content_text":"It's our New Years Show and we're joined by photographer and professor Stephan Sheffield. He describes his whimsical and noirish \"selfies\" as \"more fun than deep\" -- still his \"Everyman\" photos are a curious exploration of photographic storytelling. He's also turned his photographic work into a family project with his young sons. He has some thoughts for new photographers...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s our New Years Show and we\u0026#39;re joined by photographer and professor Stephan Sheffield. He describes his whimsical and noirish \u0026quot;selfies\u0026quot; as \u0026quot;more fun than deep\u0026quot; -- still his \u0026quot;Everyman\u0026quot; photos are a curious exploration of photographic storytelling. He\u0026#39;s also turned his photographic work into a family project with his young sons. He has some thoughts for new photographers...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's our New Years Show and we're joined by photographer and photographic educator Stephan Sheffield. He describes his whimsical and noirish \"selfies\" as \"more fun than deep\" -- still his \"Everyman\" photos are a curious exploration of photographic storytelling. ","date_published":"2019-12-28T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/94e82184-dd07-4ac0-90d7-ab14c01f91c6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":78215336,"duration_in_seconds":3258}]},{"id":"ba6f1f85-da64-4599-abb5-198d9db9591b","title":"97: TWIP and Fred Van Johnson","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/97","content_text":"For almost 8 years, \"This Week in Photo\" (TWIP) has been the go-to podcast for photo enthusiasts, lead by industry (and real) veteran Fred Van Johnson. Fred was not only a conflict photographer for the military, but later had stints at Yahoo, Apple and Adobe.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor almost 8 years, \u0026quot;This Week in Photo\u0026quot; (TWIP) has been the go-to podcast for photo enthusiasts, lead by industry (and real) veteran Fred Van Johnson. Fred was not only a conflict photographer for the military, but later had stints at Yahoo, Apple and Adobe.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"For almost eight years, \"This Week in Photo\" (TWIP) has been the go-to podcast for photo enthusiasts, lead by industry (and real) veteran Fred Van Johnson. Fred was not only a conflict photographer for the military, but later had stints at Yahoo, Apple and Adobe.","date_published":"2019-12-21T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ba6f1f85-da64-4599-abb5-198d9db9591b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":75584074,"duration_in_seconds":3149}]},{"id":"14d2123b-719b-4607-a338-86f9f0c27512","title":"96: Nate in the Wild","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/96","content_text":"Nate Luebbe is a commercial photographer who specializes in the wilderness. He has made a career out of going hiking and skiing and camping—with his camera—and by all accounts, is living the life. How does a guy go from the beer industry to professional photographer, shooting auroras in Norway and teaching classes across the country?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNate Luebbe is a commercial photographer who specializes in the wilderness. He has made a career out of going hiking and skiing and camping—with his camera—and by all accounts, is living the life. How does a guy go from the beer industry to professional photographer, shooting auroras in Norway and teaching classes across the country?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Nate Luebbe is a commercial photographer who specializes in the wilderness. He has made a career out of going hiking and skiing and camping—with his camera—and by all accounts, is living the life. How does a guy go from the beer industry to professional photographer, shooting auroras in Norway and teaching classes across the country?","date_published":"2019-12-15T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/14d2123b-719b-4607-a338-86f9f0c27512.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":50425021,"duration_in_seconds":2100}]},{"id":"1cbcb53a-de7f-48fb-86d6-e66830fc204b","title":"95: The Rubin Opening: One Print Only","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/95","content_text":"Suzanne gets a preview of a rare Rubin show, with prints from four of his favorite projects: Nudes, San Francisco, Tikun Olam, and Alcatraz Windows. And somewhere in the conversation they're joined by Lorna Rubin, mother, publisher, and conspirator in the creation of the Rubin Photographic Collection, which she discusses, along with her parenting tips.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSuzanne gets a preview of a rare Rubin show, with prints from four of his favorite projects: Nudes, San Francisco, Tikun Olam, and Alcatraz Windows. And somewhere in the conversation they\u0026#39;re joined by Lorna Rubin, mother, publisher, and conspirator in the creation of the Rubin Photographic Collection, which she discusses, along with her parenting tips.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Suzanne gets a preview of a rare Rubin show, with prints from four of his favorite projects: Nudes, San Francisco, Tikun Olam, and Alcatraz Windows. And somewhere in the conversation they're joined by Lorna Rubin, mother, publisher, and conspirator in the creation of the Rubin Photographic Collection, which she discusses, along with her parenting tips.","date_published":"2019-12-08T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/1cbcb53a-de7f-48fb-86d6-e66830fc204b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42309298,"duration_in_seconds":1762}]},{"id":"d6b0e576-8c61-4ab1-82fa-a5c1c0dd7449","title":"94: Exploring themes, with Howie Schatz","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/94","content_text":"Schatz walked away from a successful career as a doctor to pursue his dream of being an artist, and he's never looked back. Schatz' work over the years as a studio photographer has thoughtfully drilled into a number of creative themes -- from \"redheads\" to \"homeless\", \"powerful women\" to \"the shape of the NFL.\" Meet the former ophthalmologist on his visit to San Francisco this week.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSchatz walked away from a successful career as a doctor to pursue his dream of being an artist, and he\u0026#39;s never looked back. Schatz\u0026#39; work over the years as a studio photographer has thoughtfully drilled into a number of creative themes -- from \u0026quot;redheads\u0026quot; to \u0026quot;homeless\u0026quot;, \u0026quot;powerful women\u0026quot; to \u0026quot;the shape of the NFL.\u0026quot; Meet the former ophthalmologist on his visit to San Francisco this week.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Schatz walked away from a successful career as a doctor to pursue his dream of being an artist, and he's never looked back. Schatz' work over the years as a studio photographer has thoughtfully drilled into a number of creative themes -- from redheads to the homeless, \"powerful women\" to \"the shape of the NFL.\" Meet the former ophthalmologist on his visit to San Francisco this week.","date_published":"2019-12-05T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d6b0e576-8c61-4ab1-82fa-a5c1c0dd7449.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":48318507,"duration_in_seconds":2013}]},{"id":"0f1de295-7c45-46ea-abc7-2a74998901b4","title":"93: Thankful for the Influence of Jerry Uelsmann","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/93","content_text":"Jerry Uelsmann has taught thousands of students about photography; he's in the collections worldwide, but his unusual creative styles were key influences for the Rubin's collection and photography. Even if you don't want to make photographic collages, Uelsmann's approach can be instructive. Listen. \n(And Happy Thanksgiving!! )","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJerry Uelsmann has taught thousands of students about photography; he\u0026#39;s in the collections worldwide, but his unusual creative styles were key influences for the Rubin\u0026#39;s collection and photography. Even if you don\u0026#39;t want to make photographic collages, Uelsmann\u0026#39;s approach can be instructive. Listen. \u003cbr\u003e\n(And Happy Thanksgiving!! )\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jerry Uelsmann has taught thousands of students about photography; he's in the collections worldwide, but his unusual creative styles were key influences for the Rubin's collection and photography. Even if you don't want to make photographic collages, Uelsmann's approach can be instructive. Listen.","date_published":"2019-11-28T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/0f1de295-7c45-46ea-abc7-2a74998901b4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27925442,"duration_in_seconds":1163}]},{"id":"65d94e8e-4904-445b-a50c-24e6f385c50d","title":"92: The Hobby of Photography","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/92","content_text":"Being an \"amateur\" doesn't mean your photography is lousy, it means you're doing it for the love of it. Maybe you have a regular job, or just enjoy taking pictures, in this episode we discuss what it means to be a hobbyist and dig into a few photos to discuss the flow. And we finally have our audio recording under control!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBeing an \u0026quot;amateur\u0026quot; doesn\u0026#39;t mean your photography is lousy, it means you\u0026#39;re doing it for the love of it. Maybe you have a regular job, or just enjoy taking pictures, in this episode we discuss what it means to be a hobbyist and dig into a few photos to discuss the flow. And we finally have our audio recording under control!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Being an \"amateur\" doesn't mean your photography is lousy, it means you're doing it for the love of it. Maybe you have a regular job, or just enjoy taking pictures of friends and travels, in this episode we discuss what it means to be a hobbyist and dig into a few photos to discuss the flow. (And we finally have our audio recording under control!)","date_published":"2019-11-24T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/65d94e8e-4904-445b-a50c-24e6f385c50d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":65316698,"duration_in_seconds":2721}]},{"id":"97f9dc1b-daa6-4807-8515-67f8883117d1","title":"91: The Passions of Asa","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/91","content_text":"His rare photo of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs together could very well fund his vision of a photographic camp for kids -- come meet Asa Mathat, the consummate pro. He's shot hundreds of the most accomplished humans in the world--at TED, EG, D-Conf and other exclusive conferences, and brings distinctive creativity and deep humanity, to every unique shot. (Audio issues are ours, and have since been solved.)","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHis rare photo of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs together could very well fund his vision of a photographic camp for kids -- come meet Asa Mathat, the consummate pro. He\u0026#39;s shot hundreds of the most accomplished humans in the world--at TED, EG, D-Conf and other exclusive conferences, and brings distinctive creativity and deep humanity, to every unique shot. (Audio issues are ours, and have since been solved.)\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"His rare photo of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs together could very well fund his vision of a photographic camp for kids -- come meet Asa Mathat, the consummate pro. He's shot hundreds of the most accomplished humans in the world, and brings distinctive creativity and deep humanity, to every unique shot.","date_published":"2019-11-21T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/97f9dc1b-daa6-4807-8515-67f8883117d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":64731137,"duration_in_seconds":2696}]},{"id":"32e44fbb-6275-463a-8289-855541e2435a","title":"90: Looking and Collecting, with Gallerist Catherine Couturier","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/90","content_text":"Every photographer wants to be collected, and we all look at photos every day, perhaps never fully thinking about the process we use to judge what we see. In this special episode we dig into how we look and judge and also how we might begin to collect. Get inside the head of a gallery owner. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEvery photographer wants to be collected, and we all look at photos every day, perhaps never fully thinking about the process we use to judge what we see. In this special episode we dig into how we look and judge and also how we might begin to collect. Get inside the head of a gallery owner. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"How does a person learn to look at photographs? Is it just staring or is there a more methodical way to gauge that a photo is great? In this special 2-in-1 episode, we begin by briefly exploring Rubin's approach and then settle into a fantastic exploration of collecting with Houston's premiere photography gallery owner, Catherine Couturier, who walks us through her process and other thoughts on collecting and being collected.","date_published":"2019-11-09T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/32e44fbb-6275-463a-8289-855541e2435a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":80987660,"duration_in_seconds":3374}]},{"id":"b3d4c954-d1d9-4662-905d-d0fce62b8cf9","title":"89: Haunted: The Sensual Identity of Sophie Dimond","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/89","content_text":"Photographer, and subject of her own introspective and sensual photographs, Sophie Dimond seems to roam the landscape wrestling with her past. Her beautiful work is created with traditional methods, on medium format film as well as with Polaroids, and is both spooky and alluring. (Apologies for poor audio this episode).","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePhotographer, and subject of her own introspective and sensual photographs, Sophie Dimond seems to roam the landscape wrestling with her past. Her beautiful work is created with traditional methods, on medium format film as well as with Polaroids, and is both spooky and alluring. (Apologies for poor audio this episode).\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Photographer, and subject of her own introspective and sensual photographs, Sophie Dimond seems to roam the landscape wrestling with her past. Her beautiful work is created with traditional methods, on medium format film as well as with Polaroids, and is both spooky and alluring. ","date_published":"2019-11-03T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b3d4c954-d1d9-4662-905d-d0fce62b8cf9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":60397109,"duration_in_seconds":2516}]},{"id":"5d5bfe21-4fcb-4da8-9a01-8d02091b14d7","title":"88: Learning to Play, with Jerry Downs","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/88","content_text":"Photographer and teacher Jerry Downs has been taking pictures for more than 50 years, and inspiring other picture takers along the way. His spiritual approach is delightful; and anyone would benefit from engaging with him. We sat down to get to know Jerry better and understand more about his philosophy and background. Listen in!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePhotographer and teacher Jerry Downs has been taking pictures for more than 50 years, and inspiring other picture takers along the way. His spiritual approach is delightful; and anyone would benefit from engaging with him. We sat down to get to know Jerry better and understand more about his philosophy and background. Listen in!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Photographer and teacher Jerry Downs has been taking pictures for more than 50 years, and inspiring other picture takers along the way. His spiritual approach is delightful; and anyone would benefit from engaging with him. We sat down to get to know Jerry better and understand more about his philosophy and background. Listen in!","date_published":"2019-10-25T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/5d5bfe21-4fcb-4da8-9a01-8d02091b14d7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":59853553,"duration_in_seconds":2493}]},{"id":"681384cb-50bc-47b8-bf24-8ed5578c5a96","title":"87: Winners of the Fall Show","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/87","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"On this special episode we'll meet the photographers from San Francisco who were selected to show in a group exhibition at Neomodern. They represent a range of subjects, ages, cameras and styles--we took a few minutes during the show to dig in a little deeper.","date_published":"2019-10-20T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/681384cb-50bc-47b8-bf24-8ed5578c5a96.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46418882,"duration_in_seconds":1933}]},{"id":"8219fda7-b176-4741-ac46-ec06c1cf4edb","title":"86: The Photographer's Photographer, Rick Smolan","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/86","content_text":"Rick's career spans amazing gigs at Time, LIFE and National Geographic; he's been played on the silver screen by Adam Driver, and his creative Day in the Life projects have touched millions. He's also the guy who convinced me to move into digital from film (and get a Fujifilm camera --even though he talks about his Sony today...). ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRick\u0026#39;s career spans amazing gigs at Time, LIFE and National Geographic; he\u0026#39;s been played on the silver screen by Adam Driver, and his creative Day in the Life projects have touched millions. He\u0026#39;s also the guy who convinced me to move into digital from film (and get a Fujifilm camera --even though he talks about his Sony today...). \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Rick's career spans amazing gigs at Time, LIFE and National Geographic; he's been played on the silver screen by Adam Driver, and his creative Day in the Life projects have touched millions. He's also the guy who convinced me to move into digital from film (and get a Fujifilm camera --even though he talks about his Sony today...). ","date_published":"2019-10-13T19:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/8219fda7-b176-4741-ac46-ec06c1cf4edb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":66920407,"duration_in_seconds":2788}]},{"id":"929fb2c9-3f7d-4068-8ac8-a249571b7580","title":"85: Pricing Photos","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/85","content_text":"As Neomodern gets ready for a gallery show this week, we debate issues in pricing photos, collecting photos and, actually, whether we can call them \"art\".","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Neomodern gets ready for a gallery show this week, we debate issues in pricing photos, collecting photos and, actually, whether we can call them \u0026quot;art\u0026quot;.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Neomodern gets ready for a gallery show this week, we debate issues in pricing photos, collecting photos and, actually, whether we can call them \"art\"","date_published":"2019-10-09T15:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/929fb2c9-3f7d-4068-8ac8-a249571b7580.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":50151676,"duration_in_seconds":2089}]},{"id":"2c82409c-8468-469a-9c5c-cf3b28c964d1","title":"84: Noticing Things, with Mark Citret","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/84","content_text":"Citret has studied with so many historic icons: Ansel Adams, Pirkle Jones, Willy Ronis... and has taught students, and has influenced my own photography for years. It's a treat to get to sit with him for a bit and talk about pictures. \"The world is an endlessly fascinating place...\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCitret has studied with so many historic icons: Ansel Adams, Pirkle Jones, Willy Ronis... and has taught students, and has influenced my own photography for years. It\u0026#39;s a treat to get to sit with him for a bit and talk about pictures. \u0026quot;The world is an endlessly fascinating place...\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Citret has studied with so many historic icons: Ansel Adams, Pirkle Jones, Willy Ronis... and has taught students, and has influenced my own photography for years. It's a treat to get to sit with him for a bit and talk about pictures.","date_published":"2019-09-22T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2c82409c-8468-469a-9c5c-cf3b28c964d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":61931855,"duration_in_seconds":2580}]},{"id":"4ca65a46-7088-426f-822a-f75f2b2a014d","title":"83: Private, with Artist Jason Langer","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/83","content_text":"Jason Langer's photography is poetic, but the photographer has a lot he articulates beautifully about why we take pictures and how we look at them. I've long been a fan of his moody and noirish images of cities and strangers. But beyond those specifics, Langer describes his process and as expected, it was inspiring. Truly one of the best conversations about photography I've had in ages. A must for any new photography fan.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJason Langer\u0026#39;s photography is poetic, but the photographer has a lot he articulates beautifully about why we take pictures and how we look at them. I\u0026#39;ve long been a fan of his moody and noirish images of cities and strangers. But beyond those specifics, Langer describes his process and as expected, it was inspiring. Truly one of the best conversations about photography I\u0026#39;ve had in ages. A must for any new photography fan.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Langers photography is poetic, but the photographer has a lot he articulates beautifully about why we take pictures and how we look at them. Truly one of the best conversations about photography I've had in ages. A must for any new photography fan.","date_published":"2019-09-14T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/4ca65a46-7088-426f-822a-f75f2b2a014d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":60770765,"duration_in_seconds":2531}]},{"id":"4970b642-e2bb-449c-a504-0b99dc61b220","title":"82: Photographing Burning Man","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/82","content_text":"There's something about Burning Man... maybe its ephemerality (like a sand mandala) that is created with love and then wiped away without a trace, that not only feels like an interesting metaphor for all living, but how it highlights the nature of photography to grasp at the transient and make it permanent. Anyway, its a dusty nightmare that is a photographic dream. My experience:","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThere\u0026#39;s something about Burning Man... maybe its ephemerality (like a sand mandala) that is created with love and then wiped away without a trace, that not only feels like an interesting metaphor for all living, but how it highlights the nature of photography to grasp at the transient and make it permanent. Anyway, its a dusty nightmare that is a photographic dream. My experience:\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Just back from my first Burn--after 30 years of consciously choosing not to go --I thought this would be a photographic paradise, but i was schooled. ","date_published":"2019-09-08T12:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/4970b642-e2bb-449c-a504-0b99dc61b220.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":43418353,"duration_in_seconds":1808}]},{"id":"dd797059-92a2-4091-8ba9-8c1a9f95af40","title":"81: Balance with Brooks!","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/81","content_text":"We met Brooks Fletcher when we started working with Peak Design. But not everyone you bump into in the workworld is as interesting a photographer and artist. Introducing Brooks!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe met Brooks Fletcher when we started working with Peak Design. But not everyone you bump into in the workworld is as interesting a photographer and artist. Introducing Brooks!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We met Brooks Fletcher when we started working with Peak Design. But not everyone you bump into in the workworld is as interesting a photographer and artist. Introducing Brooks!","date_published":"2019-08-13T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/dd797059-92a2-4091-8ba9-8c1a9f95af40.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":48460195,"duration_in_seconds":2019}]},{"id":"69b776d5-a4b9-4885-a429-ba660374ba36","title":"80: Our Photo (Party) Game","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/80","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Can you really have a podcast about photography? Suzanne and Rubin explore the benefits of talking about the visual--and invent a game in the process! Try it--\u003e","date_published":"2019-08-08T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/69b776d5-a4b9-4885-a429-ba660374ba36.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33290784,"duration_in_seconds":1386}]},{"id":"e48aa5fe-8a98-438b-8542-7502e372abfe","title":"79: Death and Pictures","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/79","content_text":"Where Suzanne and Rubin explore the painful conflict between processing grief and the desire to take photos. Pulling a camera out at a funeral or in a hospital room is almost taboo, yet we cannot argue that birth and death are all part of our human experience and the act of photography can be an important part of these natural moments. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere Suzanne and Rubin explore the painful conflict between processing grief and the desire to take photos. Pulling a camera out at a funeral or in a hospital room is almost taboo, yet we cannot argue that birth and death are all part of our human experience and the act of photography can be an important part of these natural moments. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Where Suzanne and Rubin explore the painful conflict between processing grief and the desire to take photos.","date_published":"2019-08-03T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/e48aa5fe-8a98-438b-8542-7502e372abfe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31399937,"duration_in_seconds":1308}]},{"id":"a9c1ac8d-7a94-4f3f-9d63-d8497ee09969","title":"78: A Million Pictures with Thomas Hawk","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/78","content_text":"Hawk is the quintessential photographic hobbiest, with a goal on publishing a million images over the course of his life. With a busy day job, a large young family, Hawk squeezes his passion into the nooks of his world. [NB: there is some bg audio noise in the first minute that clears up]","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHawk is the quintessential photographic hobbiest, with a goal on publishing a million images over the course of his life. With a busy day job, a large young family, Hawk squeezes his passion into the nooks of his world. [NB: there is some bg audio noise in the first minute that clears up]\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hawk is the quintessential passionate photographic hobbiest, with a goal on publishing a million images over the course of his life.","date_published":"2019-07-28T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/a9c1ac8d-7a94-4f3f-9d63-d8497ee09969.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53260665,"duration_in_seconds":2219}]},{"id":"9d4553a4-47d4-46db-a4ac-16b03484090e","title":"77: \"Take her picture. Let her see what you see.\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/77","content_text":"Morning meandering thoughts on life with a camera and the lessons of using film, even if you've never used film. Lessons for beginners. And a message from \"Sundays are for lovers\" - There's a difference between how you look, and how I see you.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMorning meandering thoughts on life with a camera and the lessons of using film, even if you\u0026#39;ve never used film. Lessons for beginners. And a message from \u0026quot;Sundays are for lovers\u0026quot; - There\u0026#39;s a difference between how you look, and how I see you.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Morning meandering thoughts on life with a camera and the lessons of using film, even if you've never used film. Many lessons for beginners here.","date_published":"2019-07-21T07:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9d4553a4-47d4-46db-a4ac-16b03484090e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31267026,"duration_in_seconds":1302}]},{"id":"1a6509da-dc82-461a-8553-4bc51403461b","title":"76: Not Quite the Quote Show","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/76","content_text":"When Suzanne and Rubin take a break from guests and dig into some of their favorite quotations about photography, and other meandering photographic thoughts.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen Suzanne and Rubin take a break from guests and dig into some of their favorite quotations about photography, and other meandering photographic thoughts.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"When Suzanne and Rubin take a break from guests and dig into some of their favorite quotations about photography, and other meandering photographic thoughts.","date_published":"2019-07-14T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/1a6509da-dc82-461a-8553-4bc51403461b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36622337,"duration_in_seconds":1525}]},{"id":"9c0e12c2-9994-426e-832b-44406fd4911c","title":"75: Risk, with Documentarian Andrea Pritchard","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/75","content_text":"Pritchard's new award-winning documentary (Risk: Women on the Frontline) shines light on three remarkable photojournalists.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePritchard\u0026#39;s new award-winning documentary (Risk: Women on the Frontline) shines light on three remarkable photojournalists.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pritchard's new award-winning documentary (Risk: Women on the Frontline) shines light on three remarkable photojournalists.","date_published":"2019-07-06T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9c0e12c2-9994-426e-832b-44406fd4911c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":57548926,"duration_in_seconds":2397}]},{"id":"0fd23ad2-3319-4a39-a866-4e6ef55da150","title":"74: Genuine, with Photojournalist David Burnett","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/74","content_text":"Burnett's images have long been synonymous with Time magazine — his images of the Iranian Revolution, presidents, historical moments worldwide. Who is this real-life Sean O'Connell (the mysterious globe-trotting photographer in \"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\")?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBurnett\u0026#39;s images have long been synonymous with Time magazine — his images of the Iranian Revolution, presidents, historical moments worldwide. Who is this real-life Sean O\u0026#39;Connell (the mysterious globe-trotting photographer in \u0026quot;The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\u0026quot;)?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Burnett's images have long been synonymous with Time magazine — his images of the Iranian Revolution, presidents, historical moments worldwide. Who is this real-life Sean O'Connell (the mysterious globe-trotting photographer in \"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\")?","date_published":"2019-06-29T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/0fd23ad2-3319-4a39-a866-4e6ef55da150.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":73082589,"duration_in_seconds":3044}]},{"id":"24f91440-99a5-4802-9245-23ead8cce8ec","title":"73: Seductive, with Rachael Dunville","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/73","content_text":"Rachael Dunville manages to mix her work with physical intimacy with her photographic portraits, producing wonderfully personal stories of her subjects.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRachael Dunville manages to mix her work with physical intimacy with her photographic portraits, producing wonderfully personal stories of her subjects.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Artist Rachael Dunville manages to mix her work with physical intimacy with her photographic portraits, producing wonderfully personal stories of her subjects.","date_published":"2019-06-23T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/24f91440-99a5-4802-9245-23ead8cce8ec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":57052391,"duration_in_seconds":2377}]},{"id":"d0714010-8e21-4650-8e83-895e27cfc82d","title":"72: A Camera is not an Eye: Taking Better Pictures","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/72","content_text":"Why can something LOOK cool, and you take a pic of it, but the picture is flat and dull?? What is that? Shouldn't the photo look as good as the way you see it -- and if not, what to do about it. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy can something LOOK cool, and you take a pic of it, but the picture is flat and dull?? What is that? Shouldn\u0026#39;t the photo look as good as the way you see it -- and if not, what to do about it. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why can something LOOK cool, and you take a pic of it, but the picture is flat and dull?? What is that? Shouldn't the photo look as good as the way you see it -- and if not, what to do about it. ","date_published":"2019-06-13T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d0714010-8e21-4650-8e83-895e27cfc82d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":30391192,"duration_in_seconds":1266}]},{"id":"9c3b357a-d02e-439c-9d90-d24e2159e21e","title":"71: Both Sides of a Lens: Photographer and Model Ellian Raffoul","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/71","content_text":"Photographer-models are a special group, bringing a unique perspective to the ideas of seeing and being seen. Ellian begins our ongoing series of chatting with photographers who are also models.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePhotographer-models are a special group, bringing a unique perspective to the ideas of seeing and being seen. Ellian begins our ongoing series of chatting with photographers who are also models.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Photographer-models are a special group, bringing a unique perspective to the ideas of seeing and being seen. Ellian begins our ongoing series of chatting with photographers who are also models.","date_published":"2019-06-09T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9c3b357a-d02e-439c-9d90-d24e2159e21e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42277325,"duration_in_seconds":1761}]},{"id":"8ef87fef-7384-4d26-9922-5b5bbfff0604","title":"70: Where the Photo Meets the Frame: The Art of Jefferson Hayman","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/70","content_text":"Jefferson Hayman's photography was already haunting, with images in the pictorialist style... but a few years ago he began finding antique frames and pairing them with his images to create beautiful and unique creations. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJefferson Hayman\u0026#39;s photography was already haunting, with images in the pictorialist style... but a few years ago he began finding antique frames and pairing them with his images to create beautiful and unique creations. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jefferson Hayman's photography was already haunting, with images in the pictorialist style... but a few years ago he began finding antique frames and pairing them with his images to create beautiful and unique creations. ","date_published":"2019-06-01T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/8ef87fef-7384-4d26-9922-5b5bbfff0604.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":71627464,"duration_in_seconds":2984}]},{"id":"98a1d04a-0f0e-431f-908b-3bb03b0a5dc1","title":"69: Telling Stories: Learnings from The New Republic Photo Director Stephanie Heimann","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/69","content_text":"Great pictures are just part of the art of photography; selecting a few to tell a story is a totally different skill and critically important, particularly for journalists (but really: for everyone). Meet The New Republic magazine's photo director Stephanie Heimann as we discuss telling stories.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGreat pictures are just part of the art of photography; selecting a few to tell a story is a totally different skill and critically important, particularly for journalists (but really: for everyone). Meet The New Republic magazine\u0026#39;s photo director Stephanie Heimann as we discuss telling stories.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Great pictures are just part of the art of photography; selecting a few to tell a story is a totally different skill and critically important, particularly for journalists (but really: for everyone). Meet The New Republic magazine's photo director Stephanie Heimann as we discuss telling stories.","date_published":"2019-05-25T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/98a1d04a-0f0e-431f-908b-3bb03b0a5dc1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":58221005,"duration_in_seconds":2425}]},{"id":"3e7a55b1-6f98-4249-9717-b01eb6fb79d8","title":"68: Printing on Glass: Meet Fracture","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/68","content_text":"Neomodern isn't the only company with a passion for getting images off your phone and onto your wall: Fracture is a growing company that has tapped into the challenges of printing on glass, in the tradition of Ansel Adams and even back to the original daguerreotypes, all photographic processes on glass.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eNeomodern\u003c/strong\u003e isn\u0026#39;t the only company with a passion for getting images off your phone and onto your wall: \u003cstrong\u003eFracture\u003c/strong\u003e is a growing company that has tapped into the challenges of printing on glass, in the tradition of Ansel Adams and even back to the original \u003cem\u003edaguerreotypes\u003c/em\u003e, all photographic processes on glass.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Neomodern isn't the only company with a passion for getting images off your phone and onto your wall: Fracture is a growing company that has tapped into the challenges of printing on glass, in the tradition of Ansel Adams and even back to the original Daguerreotypes, all photographic processes on glass.","date_published":"2019-05-18T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/3e7a55b1-6f98-4249-9717-b01eb6fb79d8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47423238,"duration_in_seconds":1975}]},{"id":"ff521198-5160-4de3-bf45-7e72114066ba","title":"67: The Life-Time Project","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/67","content_text":"Why does every wall-sign in the Neomodern gallery include the photographer's age? The answer was a long time in the making...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy does every wall-sign in the Neomodern gallery include the photographer\u0026#39;s age? The answer was a long time in the making...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why does every wall-sign in the Neomodern gallery include the photographer's age? The answer was a long time in the making...","date_published":"2019-05-11T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ff521198-5160-4de3-bf45-7e72114066ba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34011137,"duration_in_seconds":1416}]},{"id":"310660cc-b99a-4a78-b4e6-66e12b6ffc8f","title":"66: Are Still Images Enough? Chatting with Frederick Barnes","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/66","content_text":"Photo manipulator Frederick Barnes mesmerizes his 100K followers on Instagram with his complex still-image animations, and his work begs the question whether a non-moving image is enough to capture the interest in the public.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePhoto manipulator Frederick Barnes mesmerizes his 100K followers on Instagram with his complex still-image animations, and his work begs the question whether a non-moving image is enough to capture the interest in the public.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Photo manipulator Frederick Barnes mesmerizes his 100K followers on Instagram with his complex still-image animations, and his work begs the question whether a non-moving image is enough to capture the interest in the public.","date_published":"2019-05-04T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/310660cc-b99a-4a78-b4e6-66e12b6ffc8f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53758455,"duration_in_seconds":2239}]},{"id":"1301dfdc-8681-4d9b-addb-8eff05ef1ea1","title":"65: The Zen Art of Photography, with Chris Lunt","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/65","content_text":"Chris Lunt and I discuss the zen arts and it's application in photography. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eChris Lunt and I discuss the zen arts and it\u0026#39;s application in photography. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Chris Lunt and I discuss the zen arts and it's application in photography. ","date_published":"2019-04-27T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/1301dfdc-8681-4d9b-addb-8eff05ef1ea1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":74263114,"duration_in_seconds":3094}]},{"id":"12cb9196-ac49-4695-8942-0f6b93e20f7e","title":"64: The Power of Scale: Meet Bryant Austin, Whale Photographer","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/64","content_text":"Where we talk about scale, and the power in size to communicate, in addition to an image. Bryant uses his photographs to connect, with nature and himself.\n\nI want to say this once: a LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH of a whale. Think about that. And think about the power of an image. To connect us to the things around us, and our place in the world, from our tiny vantage point. I wanted to talk to someone about the importance of SCALE for an image, whether it's small or giant, in communicating about the subject. It's not just an abstract attribute of a photograph, the size itself confers meanings. My guest is a photographic artist who feels deeply about the world, and uses scale to contribute to his thoughtful and powerful photographs.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere we talk about scale, and the power in size to communicate, in addition to an image. Bryant uses his photographs to connect, with nature and himself.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eI want to say this once: a \u003cem\u003eLIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH\u003c/em\u003e of a whale. Think about that. And think about the power of an image. To connect us to the things around us, and our place in the world, from our tiny vantage point. I wanted to talk to someone about the importance of \u003cem\u003eSCALE\u003c/em\u003e for an image, whether it\u0026#39;s small or giant, in communicating about the subject. It\u0026#39;s not just an abstract attribute of a photograph, the size itself confers meanings. My guest is a photographic artist who feels deeply about the world, and uses scale to contribute to his thoughtful and powerful photographs.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Where we talk about scale, and the power in size to communicate, in addition to an image. Bryant uses his photographs to connect, with nature and himself.","date_published":"2019-04-20T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/12cb9196-ac49-4695-8942-0f6b93e20f7e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":49146693,"duration_in_seconds":2047}]},{"id":"3ce5379d-1a02-4f20-bb28-b25b420578ca","title":"63: Los Angeles... and Sock Puppets","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/63","content_text":"Part Two of our chatting before the next guest arrives. I road-tripped to LA and had a number of photographic moments...\n\nI think this is my favorite episode. Is that nuts?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart Two of our chatting before the next guest arrives. I road-tripped to LA and had a number of photographic moments...\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eI think this is my favorite episode. Is that nuts?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Part Two of our chatting before the next guest arrives. I road-tripped to LA and had a number of photographic moments...","date_published":"2019-04-16T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/3ce5379d-1a02-4f20-bb28-b25b420578ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36483783,"duration_in_seconds":1519}]},{"id":"26771359-9799-4a8a-a775-9388fd32491a","title":"62: The Syntopicon: Russ, Doug, Kris and Nigel","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/62","content_text":"Suzanne and I look at themes running through our last four episodes in the conversations with four very different photographers: Russell Brown, Doug Menuez, Kris Sanford and Nigel Barker. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSuzanne and I look at themes running through our last four episodes in the conversations with four very different photographers: Russell Brown, Doug Menuez, Kris Sanford and Nigel Barker. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In which Suzanne and I look at themes running through our last four episodes (Russell Brown, Doug Menuez, Kris Sanford and Nigel Barker). ","date_published":"2019-04-13T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/26771359-9799-4a8a-a775-9388fd32491a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56799108,"duration_in_seconds":2366}]},{"id":"853f1124-758e-4db6-911c-ce8efd3ecd40","title":"61: Meet Nigel Barker, Fashion Photographer and, well, Celebrity","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/61","content_text":"After 17 seasons co-hosting America's Next Top Model, Nigel Barker is one of the most famous and recognizable photographers today. He has a wealth of great stories, inspiration, and experience to share!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter 17 seasons co-hosting America\u0026#39;s Next Top Model, Nigel Barker is one of the most famous and recognizable photographers today. He has a wealth of great stories, inspiration, and experience to share!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"After 17 seasons co-hosting America's Next Top Model, Nigel Barker is one of the most famous and recognizable photographers today. He has a wealth of great stories, inspiration, and experience to share!","date_published":"2019-04-06T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/853f1124-758e-4db6-911c-ce8efd3ecd40.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":65734866,"duration_in_seconds":2738}]},{"id":"dffbacac-0f0c-4779-9312-9d87b3d3a80e","title":"60: Meet Kris Sanford, Artist and Educator","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/60","content_text":"Kris describes her work as exploring \"intimate relationships, specifically queer desire, through the use of appropriated images, video, and text.\" But she's also a teacher of young photographers and her insights there are fascinating!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eKris describes her work as exploring \u0026quot;intimate relationships, specifically queer desire, through the use of appropriated images, video, and text.\u0026quot; But she\u0026#39;s also a teacher of young photographers and her insights there are fascinating!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Kris describes her work as exploring \"intimate relationships, specifically queer desire, through the use of appropriated images, video, and text.\" But she's also a teacher of young photographers and her insights there are fascinating!","date_published":"2019-03-31T01:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/dffbacac-0f0c-4779-9312-9d87b3d3a80e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34389181,"duration_in_seconds":1432}]},{"id":"45e41f3f-021f-4ac0-a603-08578f8c3bd6","title":"59: Meet Doug Menuez, Photojournalist and Creator of \"Fearless Genius\" ","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/59","content_text":"Doug Menuez is perhaps best known as the key documentarian of the '80s Silicon Valley, and particularly his work with Steve Jobs. His work is empathic and beautiful; he's balanced a career in both commercial and fine art.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDoug Menuez is perhaps best known as the key documentarian of the \u0026#39;80s Silicon Valley, and particularly his work with Steve Jobs. His work is empathic and beautiful; he\u0026#39;s balanced a career in both commercial and fine art.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Doug Menuez is perhaps best known as the key documentarian of the '80s Silicon Valley, and particularly his work with Steve Jobs. His work is empathic and beautiful; he's balanced a career in both commercial and fine art.","date_published":"2019-03-24T02:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/45e41f3f-021f-4ac0-a603-08578f8c3bd6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":60455415,"duration_in_seconds":2518}]},{"id":"2ed82d19-5ff3-486d-87b7-7a8985ad13d3","title":"58: Meet Russell Brown, Father of Photoshop and Madman...","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/58","content_text":"Our first guest is the ever-wacky Russell Brown, a super senior creative person at Adobe, and perhaps more interestingly, one of the founding team of Photoshop along with the Knoll Brothers. His observations about photography, Instagram, photo manipulation are fantastic. A joy!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur first guest is the ever-wacky Russell Brown, a super senior creative person at Adobe, and perhaps more interestingly, one of the founding team of Photoshop along with the Knoll Brothers. His observations about photography, Instagram, photo manipulation are fantastic. A joy!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our first guest is the ever-wacky Russell Brown, a super senior creative person at Adobe, and perhaps more interestingly, one of the founding team of Photoshop along with the Knoll Brothers. His observations about photography, Instagram, photo manipulation are fantastic. A joy!","date_published":"2019-03-16T05:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2ed82d19-5ff3-486d-87b7-7a8985ad13d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":63015833,"duration_in_seconds":2625}]},{"id":"f18bbf8d-8cb3-481e-8d66-19bccafb2022","title":"57: Enter the Darkroom","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/57","content_text":"In which we take a walk through the now-archaic process of silver printing, traditional darkroom work, and what can be gleaned from this background.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn which we take a walk through the now-archaic process of silver printing, traditional darkroom work, and what can be gleaned from this background.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In which we take a walk through the now-archaic process of silver printing, traditional darkroom work, and what can be gleaned from this background.","date_published":"2019-03-10T03:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f18bbf8d-8cb3-481e-8d66-19bccafb2022.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":57204737,"duration_in_seconds":2383}]},{"id":"9968b13b-6463-437c-beae-ef8bf368dac6","title":"56: Why We Print (and Happy Birthday Ansel!)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/56","content_text":"There are a lot of important reasons to print your pictures, it being Ansel Adams' birthday isn't one of them...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThere are a lot of important reasons to print your pictures, it being Ansel Adams\u0026#39; birthday isn\u0026#39;t one of them...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"There are a lot of important reasons to print your pictures, it being Ansel Adams' birthday isn't one of them...","date_published":"2019-03-03T02:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9968b13b-6463-437c-beae-ef8bf368dac6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32779829,"duration_in_seconds":1365}]},{"id":"a817edf5-f669-4e88-b3b7-2fa63f68229e","title":"55: Visiting Monet","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/55","content_text":"You'd think that an exhibit of Monet's paintings wouldn't have too much to say to a photographer, but you'd be wrong...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eYou\u0026#39;d think that an exhibit of Monet\u0026#39;s paintings wouldn\u0026#39;t have too much to say to a photographer, but you\u0026#39;d be wrong...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"You'd think that an exhibit of Monet's paintings wouldn't have too much to say to a photographer, but you'd be wrong...","date_published":"2019-02-23T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/a817edf5-f669-4e88-b3b7-2fa63f68229e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24664733,"duration_in_seconds":1027}]},{"id":"a430120b-06ce-4889-9c5f-54f6236069aa","title":"54: Travel Pictures","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/54","content_text":"You're not a journalist covering your vacation, so you might want to relax a little when you're taking pictures on your trip. Pick a few moments to \"cover\". We also discuss the pros and cons of anonymous subjects in your pictures.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eYou\u0026#39;re not a journalist covering your vacation, so you might want to relax a little when you\u0026#39;re taking pictures on your trip. Pick a few moments to \u0026quot;cover\u0026quot;. We also discuss the pros and cons of anonymous subjects in your pictures.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"You're not a journalist covering your vacation, so you might want to relax a little when you're taking pictures on your trip. Pick a few moments to \"cover\". We also discuss the pros and cons of anonymous subjects in your pictures.","date_published":"2019-02-17T05:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/a430120b-06ce-4889-9c5f-54f6236069aa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27411979,"duration_in_seconds":1141}]},{"id":"90744565-8802-4a65-953b-490c03104600","title":"53: The Fifty... and \"Visual Osmosis\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/53","content_text":"You do not need to learn any stupid rules of composition. You need to look at these 50 images, really look, and you will learn composition -- your photos will be better immediately.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eYou do not need to learn any stupid rules of composition. You need to look at these 50 images, really look, and you will learn composition -- your photos will be better immediately.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"You do not need to learn any stupid rules of composition. You need to look at these 50 images, really look, and you will learn composition -- your photos will be better immediately.","date_published":"2019-02-09T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/90744565-8802-4a65-953b-490c03104600.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42619633,"duration_in_seconds":1775}]},{"id":"31b3317b-8eb2-4ee3-9e44-04e3b0ba1071","title":"52: Photography for Creative Expression (after 180 Years)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/52","content_text":"Starting from the \"document\" side of photography, and moving into the poetic.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStarting from the \u0026quot;document\u0026quot; side of photography, and moving into the poetic.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Starting from the \"document\" side of photography, and moving into the poetic.","date_published":"2019-02-03T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/31b3317b-8eb2-4ee3-9e44-04e3b0ba1071.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34377896,"duration_in_seconds":1432}]},{"id":"88491c98-6fd7-4827-9546-31a10435862b","title":"51: Beginners... How to Start Growing Your Skills","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/51","content_text":"It's all about your composition. It's the only thing you have to practice. And it's free and easy.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s all about your composition. It\u0026#39;s the only thing you have to practice. And it\u0026#39;s free and easy.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's all about your composition. It's the only thing you have to practice. And it's free and easy.","date_published":"2019-01-27T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/88491c98-6fd7-4827-9546-31a10435862b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":17936426,"duration_in_seconds":747}]},{"id":"1afb350a-1a8a-42e0-9d46-95218c4b5736","title":"50: Collage with Gabrielle","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/50","content_text":"More explorations of ways to play with your pictures and explore the power in juxtaposition -- whether in collage, book layouts, or wall displays.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMore explorations of ways to play with your pictures and explore the power in juxtaposition -- whether in collage, book layouts, or wall displays.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"More explorations of ways to play with your pictures and explore the power in juxtaposition -- whether in collage, book layouts, or wall displays","date_published":"2019-01-20T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/1afb350a-1a8a-42e0-9d46-95218c4b5736.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":26274085,"duration_in_seconds":1094}]},{"id":"981142e6-802b-445a-be72-b92d5f3f2496","title":"49: When You Need a Pro...","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/49","content_text":"Professionals can deliver the goods. So when are those moments when it's worth getting a pro versus just handling a picture yourself? And how do you even hire a pro?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eProfessionals can deliver the goods. So when are those moments when it\u0026#39;s worth getting a pro versus just handling a picture yourself? And how do you even hire a pro?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Professionals can deliver the goods. So when are those moments when it's worth getting a pro versus just handling a picture yourself? And how do you even hire a pro?","date_published":"2019-01-16T11:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/981142e6-802b-445a-be72-b92d5f3f2496.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29119760,"duration_in_seconds":1213}]},{"id":"2adcea19-dcc9-4c31-b1c9-cc166db72939","title":"48: Decorating with Photos","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/48","content_text":"Seems like it would be easy: everyone has lots of pictures and all you have to do is select one and get it enlarged and framed. So what's the problem? Clearly there's more to it than this. We dig in.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSeems like it would be easy: everyone has lots of pictures and all you have to do is select one and get it enlarged and framed. So what\u0026#39;s the problem? Clearly there\u0026#39;s more to it than this. We dig in.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Seems like it would be easy: everyone has lots of pictures and all you have to do is select one and get it enlarged and framed. So what's the problem? Clearly there's more to it than this. We dig in.","date_published":"2019-01-13T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2adcea19-dcc9-4c31-b1c9-cc166db72939.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32295205,"duration_in_seconds":1345}]},{"id":"ac732596-a14c-447f-b99a-c9a30aae9aab","title":"47: Wabi Sabi and Photographic Imperfection","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/47","content_text":"It's hard not to want to make your photos \"perfect\" whatever that might mean -- skin with no blemishes, compositions elegant, no reflections... but embracing the imperfect is part of improving your pictures. Learn about the philosophy of wabi-sabi...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s hard not to want to make your photos \u0026quot;perfect\u0026quot; whatever that might mean -- skin with no blemishes, compositions elegant, no reflections... but embracing the imperfect is part of improving your pictures. Learn about the philosophy of wabi-sabi...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's hard not to want to make your photos \"perfect\" whatever that might mean -- skin with no blemishes, compositions elegant, no reflections... but embracing the imperfect is part of improving your pictures. Learn about the philosophy of wabi-sabi...","date_published":"2019-01-10T22:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ac732596-a14c-447f-b99a-c9a30aae9aab.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":19715052,"duration_in_seconds":821}]},{"id":"566f37ce-c27d-49df-a04c-f0c61d5be444","title":"46: Look at the Light","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/46","content_text":"We're back and looking at moody lighting opportunities and how the think about them. Also, we dig into some reasons to limit how much you shoot, and how to organize the things you keep. But mostly it's about the light.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re back and looking at moody lighting opportunities and how the think about them. Also, we dig into some reasons to limit how much you shoot, and how to organize the things you keep. But mostly it\u0026#39;s about the light.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're back and looking at moody lighting opportunities and how the think about them. Also, we dig into some reasons to limit how much you shoot, and how to organize the things you keep. But mostly it's about the light.","date_published":"2019-01-06T21:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/566f37ce-c27d-49df-a04c-f0c61d5be444.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36026745,"duration_in_seconds":1500}]},{"id":"2327bd57-07d1-49a5-a0c3-9bf8eea9a71d","title":"45: Photographing Nudes - A Privileged Intimacy (The NSFW Episode)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/45","content_text":"One of the most fun and challenging subjects for photographers is nude figures; but how do you start? what do you say? In this episode Rubin reflects on his process in ways that are applicable to all sorts of every day photography.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne of the most fun and challenging subjects for photographers is nude figures; but how do you start? what do you say? In this episode Rubin reflects on his process in ways that are applicable to all sorts of every day photography.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"One of the most fun and challenging subjects for photographers is nude figures; but how do you start? what do you say? In this episode Rubin reflects on his process in ways that are applicable to all sorts of every day photography.","date_published":"2018-12-31T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/2327bd57-07d1-49a5-a0c3-9bf8eea9a71d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40769537,"duration_in_seconds":1698}]},{"id":"474cb814-573b-49bd-b5f2-58414e58d274","title":"44: A Minimum Quantity of Gear","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/44","content_text":"Pros have great gear. But what do you need when you aren't a pro?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePros have great gear. But what do you need when you aren\u0026#39;t a pro?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pros have great gear. But what do you need when you aren't a pro?","date_published":"2018-12-26T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/474cb814-573b-49bd-b5f2-58414e58d274.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28645168,"duration_in_seconds":1193}]},{"id":"3614664f-a98a-4762-ace0-47987cf3bb9d","title":"43: Landscapes, Mostly...","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/43","content_text":"Ansel Adams suggested that landscapes are the hardest photos to pull off. They are inspired by our amazing real life experience of the majestic outdoors, but somehow get crushed into little photos. Is there anything that can be done? Oh, and Rubin reveals a secret...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAnsel Adams suggested that landscapes are the hardest photos to pull off. They are inspired by our amazing real life experience of the majestic outdoors, but somehow get crushed into little photos. Is there anything that can be done? Oh, and Rubin reveals a secret...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ansel Adams suggested that landscapes are the hardest photos to pull off. They are inspired by our amazing real life experience of the majestic outdoors, but somehow get crushed into little photos. Is there anything that can be done?","date_published":"2018-12-23T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/3614664f-a98a-4762-ace0-47987cf3bb9d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28257720,"duration_in_seconds":1177}]},{"id":"cc36e70c-b603-4d53-a5f9-0952a77746e7","title":"41: The Instagram Dilemma","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/41","content_text":"Photographers have a love/hate with Instagram. It uses photos as social currency, which is a great way to get your images seen, but also suffers as a marginal way to experience a photo (small, quick), which isn't always what a photographer wants. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePhotographers have a love/hate with Instagram. It uses photos as social currency, which is a great way to get your images seen, but also suffers as a marginal way to experience a photo (small, quick), which isn\u0026#39;t always what a photographer wants. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Photographers have a love/hate with Instagram. It uses photos as social currency, which is a great way to get your images seen, but also suffers as a marginal way to experience a photo (small, quick), which isn't always what a photographer wants. ","date_published":"2018-12-19T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/cc36e70c-b603-4d53-a5f9-0952a77746e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28905347,"duration_in_seconds":1204}]},{"id":"0bfefb58-6a1c-4966-999d-8e0205fa3025","title":"40: Some Technical Questions Before the Holidays","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/40","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In this mini-episode Suzanne learns about smart phone image quality, archival printing, and making your images into *something* cool.","date_published":"2018-12-16T12:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/0bfefb58-6a1c-4966-999d-8e0205fa3025.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":13897060,"duration_in_seconds":578}]},{"id":"949c1148-ce81-4b64-8164-ce97af7bd20f","title":"39: The Composition \"Asana\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/39","content_text":"In my ongoing effort to replace traditional composition rules with a practice to exercise these skills, i take you on a visual tour over the radio. You might want the show notes to go with this one...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn my ongoing effort to replace traditional composition rules with a practice to exercise these skills, i take you on a visual tour over the radio. You might want the show notes to go with this one...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In my ongoing effort to replace traditional composition rules with a practice to exercise these skills, i take you on a visual tour over the radio. You might want the show notes to go with this one...","date_published":"2018-12-14T19:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/949c1148-ce81-4b64-8164-ce97af7bd20f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24155659,"duration_in_seconds":1006}]},{"id":"9106529f-1693-40dd-906f-1532a6682663","title":"38: Now, With Even More Zen...","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/38","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"After a little googling, there's an entire \"zen photography\" ethos out there which resonates nicely with \"everyday photography\" -- learn how to make mindfulness and breath part of your picture-taking practice.","date_published":"2018-12-11T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9106529f-1693-40dd-906f-1532a6682663.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":19515058,"duration_in_seconds":812}]},{"id":"c4c4709f-bef1-43ef-a6c4-4cc6597a9456","title":"37: The Way to Give Photographs as Gifts","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/37","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Giving art as a gift is always a dicey business; at the same time, there's nothing better than handmaking a personal present. Somewhere in there is the sweet spot: we also talk about size (it matters).","date_published":"2018-12-08T15:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/c4c4709f-bef1-43ef-a6c4-4cc6597a9456.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31083960,"duration_in_seconds":1294}]},{"id":"fa6cb264-7e0f-46b1-b849-a1ac63bb5355","title":"36: The Presumption of Truth","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/36","content_text":"Follow up on Episode #20 on Truth!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFollow up on Episode #20 on Truth!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Strong opinions, weakly held. Perhaps we shouldn't presume photographs are so true...","date_published":"2018-12-04T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/fa6cb264-7e0f-46b1-b849-a1ac63bb5355.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18475594,"duration_in_seconds":769}]},{"id":"209ee933-35f0-41d8-ba9e-5ac7652d6837","title":"35: Zen Your Photography","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/35","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"So much of what we see is unconscious. This is generally a good thing, but being able to be present with what is around us is an important skill. As Dorthea Lange said \"a camera is a device that teaches us to see without a camera.\"","date_published":"2018-12-02T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/209ee933-35f0-41d8-ba9e-5ac7652d6837.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22825295,"duration_in_seconds":950}]},{"id":"82c5ec99-e93e-40fc-a911-bfb8a1ca9065","title":"34: Composition Lessons from Louis (Stettner)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/34","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"and what, exactly, is \"PhotoYoga\"? Stettner is currently being featured at the SFMOMA, and I have a few take-aways from that exhibition.","date_published":"2018-11-28T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/82c5ec99-e93e-40fc-a911-bfb8a1ca9065.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27249602,"duration_in_seconds":1135}]},{"id":"6d953677-71a1-48fa-aa4a-dac943ae43b7","title":"SPECIAL EDITION - Bernardo Bertolucci Tribute","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/33a","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"The filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci died today. In a memorium I tell the story of how I came to work with him in 1990 on The Sheltering Sky, and what I learned. (This special episode is a departure from our usual content).","date_published":"2018-11-26T18:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/6d953677-71a1-48fa-aa4a-dac943ae43b7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33317742,"duration_in_seconds":1388}]},{"id":"9812ac5b-a886-423c-a83f-86044ef6a7e5","title":"33: Interview about F64","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/33","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Concluding our Thanksgiving family series of episodes, this is an interview I did with my parents Mel and Lorna in 2001 about their art collection of photography. ","date_published":"2018-11-25T10:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9812ac5b-a886-423c-a83f-86044ef6a7e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23658497,"duration_in_seconds":985}]},{"id":"e8865aa1-e756-4642-94a6-92a98aacd0d5","title":"Thanksgiving Special Edition - The Rubin Bros.","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/32a","content_text":"The Rubin Brothers enjoy a lively conversation about our various interests; photography, magic, media, film and family. While the turkey was cooking, we retreated to his studio for a chat.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Rubin Brothers enjoy a lively conversation about our various interests; photography, magic, media, film and family. While the turkey was cooking, we retreated to his studio for a chat.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Rubin Brothers enjoy a lively conversation about our various interests; photography, magic, media, film and family. While the turkey was cooking, we retreated to his studio for a chat.","date_published":"2018-11-24T19:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/e8865aa1-e756-4642-94a6-92a98aacd0d5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54175369,"duration_in_seconds":2257}]},{"id":"58b4b3b0-4a80-4cf6-9be9-9e36403dc034","title":"32: Exploring Time, with Danny","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/32","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Danny Rubin is not only the writer of the movie \"Groundhog Day\" but as my brother, he was subjected to many of the same creative influences as visual artists like my sister and me. And yet all of us think a lot about time. ","date_published":"2018-11-21T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/58b4b3b0-4a80-4cf6-9be9-9e36403dc034.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37900665,"duration_in_seconds":1579}]},{"id":"368d77e3-f5bd-44f7-8ab0-f661ceb733de","title":"31: Photo Collage, with Gabrielle","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/31","content_text":"Awaken sensibility to a visual world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAwaken sensibility to a visual world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sometimes the magic of photography is in how images are juxtaposed with other images -- either on a wall, in a book, or sometimes assembled by the artist, like Uelsmann (in a darkroom), or in Photoshop, or just cut up.","date_published":"2018-11-18T01:15:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/368d77e3-f5bd-44f7-8ab0-f661ceb733de.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24825857,"duration_in_seconds":1034}]},{"id":"cf284f51-f215-46a6-9ce5-8ee7737a103f","title":"30: Learning from Looking","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/30","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Mastering your camera is fundamental, but the way to become good at photography is largely about looking at lots of photographs. By great photographers. A range of them. So how do you look at old work and what's the take away?","date_published":"2018-11-15T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/cf284f51-f215-46a6-9ce5-8ee7737a103f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27218882,"duration_in_seconds":1133}]},{"id":"c8f981ac-1ae6-4b41-ba5d-f14e8de29fba","title":"29: Filters and Post Production (Great Photos are Made, Not Shot)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/29","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Ansel Adams famously said that photographs were made, not taken. And while he invented the Zone System and \"pre-visualization\" his secret was to make images in post production. To paraphrase Adams' musical metaphor, the taken picture is the written song; the printing is the performance. ","date_published":"2018-11-12T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/c8f981ac-1ae6-4b41-ba5d-f14e8de29fba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24350637,"duration_in_seconds":1014}]},{"id":"06206d09-0d2d-4380-b716-3caf85a56bb7","title":"28: Constraints and Photographic \"Games\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/28","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"There's nothing worse than a blank canvas. And being told you can take pictures of anything is actually a bit paralyzing. So here's some ways to break the jam and play creatively.","date_published":"2018-11-10T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/06206d09-0d2d-4380-b716-3caf85a56bb7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":21716240,"duration_in_seconds":904}]},{"id":"486c0321-b2ee-44a5-8867-a5ba1974aff7","title":"27: The Annual Thanksgiving Show","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/27","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"The holidays are picture-taking days! Tips and thoughts on shooting your festivities.","date_published":"2018-11-08T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/486c0321-b2ee-44a5-8867-a5ba1974aff7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":20651698,"duration_in_seconds":860}]},{"id":"bd21f8bf-8ed4-41ba-94d6-e15ba7f42838","title":"26: Creating Personal Projects","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/26","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"If you shoot enough, at some point someone will ask \"what do you take pictures of?\" and it's a surprisingly difficult question.","date_published":"2018-11-06T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/bd21f8bf-8ed4-41ba-94d6-e15ba7f42838.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22819026,"duration_in_seconds":950}]},{"id":"51a043f5-50d0-49bf-a0d0-929c9806bd06","title":"25: How NOT to be an Amateurish Amateur","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/25","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What are the things we do as beginners that are good to work through...","date_published":"2018-11-04T07:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/51a043f5-50d0-49bf-a0d0-929c9806bd06.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":20000309,"duration_in_seconds":833}]},{"id":"92a64356-2a3b-481d-9906-06e05d6d5912","title":"24: Establishing Trust","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/24","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Perhaps the most important attribute of the photographer isn't technical, it's the ability to engender trust in people....","date_published":"2018-11-02T05:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/92a64356-2a3b-481d-9906-06e05d6d5912.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23047858,"duration_in_seconds":960}]},{"id":"f3de470f-6ede-47b3-abb8-2d2546d2f57b","title":"23: Are Your Pictures Any Good?","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/23","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"So you've taken a lot of great photos. How do you determine which are \"really\" good?","date_published":"2018-10-31T12:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f3de470f-6ede-47b3-abb8-2d2546d2f57b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18634209,"duration_in_seconds":776}]},{"id":"b5e8826d-a4b9-463a-88e9-242a88ddb2b4","title":"22: Walking Around with a Camera","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/22","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"It's good practice to take your phone/camera out, and go for a walk. Pay attention to what catches your attention...","date_published":"2018-10-29T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b5e8826d-a4b9-463a-88e9-242a88ddb2b4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":25241517,"duration_in_seconds":1051}]},{"id":"d1a3cb2e-ee88-4670-930d-4cd4fa1777c0","title":"21: On Reading Susan Sontag","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/21","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Two books almost universally recommended for photographers...","date_published":"2018-10-27T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d1a3cb2e-ee88-4670-930d-4cd4fa1777c0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24590755,"duration_in_seconds":1024}]},{"id":"d5d76465-9a28-4097-a115-dcc332333f96","title":"20: Truth!","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/20","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What is photographic truth? What happens when the photographer manipulates the image? How much manipulation is okay? If it's all a fiction, why do these things matter?","date_published":"2018-10-26T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/d5d76465-9a28-4097-a115-dcc332333f96.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29106595,"duration_in_seconds":1212}]},{"id":"5ed5bab8-96a9-4dd2-a8de-d27e150defb9","title":"19: The Space Between","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/19","content_text":"Using technologies to capture the \"experience\" of the photographer is wholly different from what you do when you take a picture.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eUsing technologies to capture the \u0026quot;experience\u0026quot; of the photographer is wholly different from what you do when you take a picture.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A photo is often capturing more than the surface of a subject, but rather, the relationship between photographer and subject. ","date_published":"2018-10-25T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/5ed5bab8-96a9-4dd2-a8de-d27e150defb9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24895926,"duration_in_seconds":1028}]},{"id":"cc1f92ec-b5a5-4160-b612-a69663ee9b55","title":"18: Simplification","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/18","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"There's so much happening in the frames of our pictures, they can become more elegant with some simplification—what can be done to simplify an images?","date_published":"2018-10-24T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/cc1f92ec-b5a5-4160-b612-a69663ee9b55.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22320322,"duration_in_seconds":920}]},{"id":"8784cc36-ee7b-4bfb-bcf4-e17bfd3ee25e","title":"17: The Death of Photography?","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/17","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Teenagers taking pictures: is it \"photography\" or something else. Wim Wenders proclaimed the \"end of photography.\" Really?","date_published":"2018-10-22T19:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/8784cc36-ee7b-4bfb-bcf4-e17bfd3ee25e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":26290064,"duration_in_seconds":1086}]},{"id":"f55d82fb-07bd-47fa-90a1-fddc09adea8c","title":"16: The Rule of Thirds is Bullsh*t, Seriously, and other Topics of Composition","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/16","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"People always talk about the \"rule of thirds\" and after much consideration, I've decided it's neither true nor useful, in teaching photography. Agree?","date_published":"2018-10-21T15:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f55d82fb-07bd-47fa-90a1-fddc09adea8c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":25831667,"duration_in_seconds":1067}]},{"id":"ac6e1603-70c5-4e68-a262-845a24ef7697","title":"15: The Problem with Video","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/15","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"There is more to the advantages of still photography over moving video than technology. It messes with your brain...","date_published":"2018-10-17T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ac6e1603-70c5-4e68-a262-845a24ef7697.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24793256,"duration_in_seconds":1032}]},{"id":"f8af3fc8-d7ed-4219-9951-a305bcf35745","title":"14: Shooting with the Right Side of your Brain","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/14","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"My mother felt it wasn't clear how to \"see differently\" and ultimately move picture taking from the left side of the brain to the right.","date_published":"2018-10-15T07:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f8af3fc8-d7ed-4219-9951-a305bcf35745.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":24507999,"duration_in_seconds":1020}]},{"id":"6c304b8f-35dd-40f2-833d-2887bcebcb44","title":"13: Artists, Amateurs and Pros","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/13","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Most people looking for info on photography are wanting to turn their hobby into a career as either a commercial photographer or an artist. But what of people who just want to be better photographers?","date_published":"2018-10-14T06:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/6c304b8f-35dd-40f2-833d-2887bcebcb44.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23758807,"duration_in_seconds":989}]},{"id":"9d026b97-ae3b-4adc-9f55-3d06106418b8","title":"12: One Print Only","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/12","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"A little more about the physicality of prints, of radical editioning, and the Suzanne's wedding dress made of paper.","date_published":"2018-10-12T07:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/9d026b97-ae3b-4adc-9f55-3d06106418b8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29082771,"duration_in_seconds":1211}]},{"id":"7f8a897d-f159-42de-9a78-d821730c2bfb","title":"11: Why Make Prints (part 2) - \"It's not photography if you don't print it\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/11","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Photography isn't just about taking pictures, but the all-important work of selecting which pictures to keep and show.","date_published":"2018-10-11T07:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/7f8a897d-f159-42de-9a78-d821730c2bfb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31715538,"duration_in_seconds":1312}]},{"id":"303d3a04-0086-4daf-a764-4df1885cb5cf","title":"10: Get the Cliché Out of the Way","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/10","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What to shoot? And how to approach shooting a subject?","date_published":"2018-10-10T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/303d3a04-0086-4daf-a764-4df1885cb5cf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28214461,"duration_in_seconds":1175}]},{"id":"b656dc00-9a39-47d6-a4f1-481a5a938a12","title":"9: Why Make Prints (part 1)","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/9","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"The differences between photography and shooting video? And why is printing important? Rubin and Suzanne begin to dig into the issues around digital images.","date_published":"2018-10-10T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b656dc00-9a39-47d6-a4f1-481a5a938a12.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23331235,"duration_in_seconds":971}]},{"id":"f5c2bed5-d685-43c0-b67c-d7adf34b9bd1","title":"8: The Photograph that got me into Brown","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/8","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Rubin's 15 minutes of fame surrounded his noteworthy application to Brown University in 1980... and the photograph that got him accepted.","date_published":"2018-10-03T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/f5c2bed5-d685-43c0-b67c-d7adf34b9bd1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15630691,"duration_in_seconds":642}]},{"id":"ed27f536-9c93-4b7a-8b5a-2f0bd854cc94","title":"7: The Rubin Collection and Modernism","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/7","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"How the Rubin Collection of photography came into existence and why it is being displayed at NEOMODERN in San Francisco.","date_published":"2018-10-03T10:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ed27f536-9c93-4b7a-8b5a-2f0bd854cc94.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":25791969,"duration_in_seconds":1074}]},{"id":"5578916e-2bb7-4e10-be07-8cea186e111c","title":"6: Natural Light, or \"If you can see it, you can photograph it\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/6","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"How do you shoot in sub-optimal lighting situations -- at night, by candlelight, in darkened rooms? What's so good about natural light?","date_published":"2018-10-02T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/5578916e-2bb7-4e10-be07-8cea186e111c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18159617,"duration_in_seconds":756}]},{"id":"c64da6d9-9abf-4d54-a7d6-e20afc158506","title":"5: Privacy, Intimacy, and Law","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/5","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"While it's legal to take pictures of people in public places, it's frequently inappropriate. In this episode we discuss issues of privacy and the inherent intimacy involved in taking someone's photo.","date_published":"2018-10-01T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/c64da6d9-9abf-4d54-a7d6-e20afc158506.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19264910,"duration_in_seconds":802}]},{"id":"19d6a296-1fad-4737-8f76-cabb54325f10","title":"4: Documenting your Life - Small Moments vs. Big Moments","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/4","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"In the process of documenting your life, there are often decisions to be made between shooting and putting your camera down. Today we discuss \"large moments\" vs. \"small moments\" and what they mean to you.","date_published":"2018-09-27T10:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/19d6a296-1fad-4737-8f76-cabb54325f10.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15234947,"duration_in_seconds":634}]},{"id":"b1d002a4-d54e-4199-b4ba-f6bd03eb6687","title":"3: Don't Shoot Everything - Introduction to \"Synecdoche\" and \"Haiku\"","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/3","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Everyone now walks around with a great camera all the time: our phones. But what is photography for and how do i manage this amazing device?","date_published":"2018-09-26T10:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/b1d002a4-d54e-4199-b4ba-f6bd03eb6687.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18694395,"duration_in_seconds":778}]},{"id":"79097cd9-26cf-401a-b127-5639d65aef62","title":"2: What's the Deal with B\u0026W Photography?","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/2","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Why make pictures black-and-white? Is it just to look \"arty\" or nostalgic?","date_published":"2018-09-25T10:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/79097cd9-26cf-401a-b127-5639d65aef62.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19340154,"duration_in_seconds":796}]},{"id":"ab7a7a93-68bd-40da-af8c-4586014b095c","title":"1: Composition on the Fly","url":"https://everyday-photography.fireside.fm/1","content_text":"In this, our first episode, we're starting to figure out this podcasting thing and how to communicate through it. I'd say it took a few episodes before we found our legs, but you'll get the idea...","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this, our first episode, we\u0026#39;re starting to figure out this podcasting thing and how to communicate through it. I\u0026#39;d say it took a few episodes before we found our legs, but you\u0026#39;ll get the idea...\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Is there a trick to learning to compose great photos?","date_published":"2018-09-24T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/733c3e60-e91b-4951-8509-280ad5e13f17/ab7a7a93-68bd-40da-af8c-4586014b095c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":17105106,"duration_in_seconds":712}]}]}